
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Opened institute for experimental psychology in Germany
  • Stanley Hall

    Stanley Hall
    opened a laboratory of psychology similar to the one created by Wilhelm Wundt. Baltimore, Maryland
  • APA Foundation

    APA Foundation
    American Psychology Asociation founded by Stanley Hall. LARKS UNIVERSITY
  • Functionalism

    Zgon Brunswik stated that functinalism was the identity theory of the mind and behaviourism
  • The father of psychoanalysis

    The father of psychoanalysis
    Sigmund Freud created the method
  • Structuralism

    theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of the relationship system or structure
    titchner, introspection
  • IQ tests

    IQ tests
    Alfred Binet devoloped it
    mental age over chronological age
  • The behavioral manifesto

    The behavioral manifesto
    Jhon Broawds Watson
  • Hans Berger

    Hans Berger
    Invented the electroencephalography the recording of brain waves
  • US Army

    US Army
    I.Q tests to select their soldiers
  • The foundation of Gestalt

    The foundation of Gestalt
    Von Enrenfels and Edmund Husserl.
    Understand the laws of our ability to acquire and mantain perceptions in a cahotic world
  • Schedules of Reinforcement

    Schedules of Reinforcement
    B.F Skinner, an experiment of the operant conditioning
  • Ethical Standrs of Psychologists

    Ethical Standrs of Psychologists
    APA members
  • Magical number 7 plus minus 2

    Argue thata the numbr of objects an avarge human can work in memory is 7 +/- 2
  • Rorscharch personality test

    Rorscharch personality test
    psycholofy in witon subject perseption of inkblots are recorded and psychologicaly analize
  • FDA

    Aproved drugs for depression
  • PET first tested

    PET Positron emission tomography.