
  • Birth

    7lbs 3oz, 20ins. I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck.
  • Biosocial-First Two Years

    Biosocial-First Two Years
    During these first two years like most babies I was sleeping when I was not eatting. I slept about 18 hours a day and I slept through the night almost every night. I began walking at about 10 months.
  • Cognitive- First Two Years

    Cognitive- First Two Years
    My first full word was dog at about 7 months. Shortly after I learned mama, dada, and duck.
  • Psychosocial- First Two Years

    Psychosocial- First Two Years
    My mom was a single parent but my grandma lived three houses away, so I was very attached to both of them. I cried everytime my mom left me at daycare or a friends, anywhere that was not my grandmas. I always wanted to be held or to sit on someones lap.
  • Biosocial- Play Years

    Biosocial- Play Years
    I was the timid child that was afraid of getting in trouble or getting hurt so I played safe things like with barbies or colored. I loved arts and crafts. At this age I started to devlop the "I can do it" attitude with everything.
  • Cognitive- Play Years

    Cognitive- Play Years
    During this period I strived to make my mom happy and did really well in school, alhtough this wore off. I also loved reading street signs and labels, but I hated reading books.
  • Psychosocial- Play Years

    Psychosocial- Play Years
    My mom's parenting style was very Authoritarian, it was her way period.
  • Biosocial- School Years

    Biosocial- School Years
    I loved roller blading and riding my bike, at this point I had two step sisters and a little brother, so we were outside playing quite often.
  • Cognitive- School Years

    Cognitive- School Years
    I start learning a second language, which was Japanese. I had a reading buddy from a few grades ahead of me that would come to my class once a week and we would read books at a higher level than my class.
  • Psychosocial- School Years

    Psychosocial- School Years
    During my school years I had a few close friends, but I got along with everyone. I personally was not bullied but I did witness a lot of bullying during these years.
  • Biosocial- Adolesence

    Biosocial- Adolesence
    I started puberty at a average age according to the book. During this time period I had always needed to be woken up by a parent or sibling because I never heard an alarm clock. After school I would also come home and take naps three out of the five days a week.
  • Cognitive- Adolsecence

    Cognitive- Adolsecence
    I did well in middle school and had little to no behavioral issues unlike the book claims. I remember having the "self-centered thinking" and being at the mall and tripping or saying something silly and thinking that everyone was watching me. While pretending to be so embarrassed.
  • Psychosocial- Adolesence

    Psychosocial- Adolesence
    I had friends of both sexes during this time. During High School I had grown apart from my friends that were on pom and I knew my mom would make me play a sport. I took up tennis and loved the sport and is still really close with those people on the tennis team. So that was my way of finding myself through tennis.
  • Cognitive- Emerging Adulthood

    Cognitive- Emerging Adulthood
    I enrolled in community college after high school and this well be my last year there before I transfer to a University. My personal aspirations continue to grow and they become more mature each day, from wanting to make a certain amount of money to now just wanting to be a teacher and effect childrens lives.
  • Biosocial- Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial- Emerging Adulthood
    I have maintained to stay in okay shape. I do worry about my weight constantly but I work a decent amount and have school, I miss having tennis in high school to keep me active. I have no intentions of children or marriage in the near future.
  • Psychosocial- Emerging Adulthood

    Psychosocial- Emerging Adulthood
    I currently am a server and it is the constant reminder that I have to finish college because it is just something to get me through college. As for relationships I have a few close friends and a boyfriend which is normal at this peroid in my life.
  • Cognitive- Adulthood

    Cognitive- Adulthood
    During my adulthood I will hopefully cope with the fact that I am not going to succeed at everything and narrow in on the things that I will excel at.
  • Psychosocial- Adulthood

    Psychosocial- Adulthood
    I will more than likely be the child to take care of my parents when they become elderly. I plan on getting married and having children during this stage, hopefully around 25- 30. I hope to still remain close with the friends I have now.
  • Biosocial- Adulthood

    Biosocial- Adulthood
    I know that i will consider some sort of plastic surgery because I am insecure as it is now, and time will only age me. Unfortunetly hearing loss is very hereditery on my moms side of the family, so I have that to look forward to. I hope to stay fit and try to remain active through these years.
  • Death and Dying.

    Death and Dying.
    Considering I am in good health and my family health history is pretty good, I predict I will make to my mid-eighties. Also my great grandparents lived to their eighties and my grandparents are in their sixties and seventies and all are in good health. Hopefully I die of old age and peacefully in my sleep.