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Oral Stage (Psychoanalysis)
During this stage the infant's primary source of interaction is through the mouth. -
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Trust vs Mistrust (Erikson)
This stage occurs from birth to 18 months of age. This stage is the fastest growth period in life. You learn developmental tasks such as learning to eat solid foods, beginning to walk and talk, and developing trust -
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Anal Stage (Psychoanalysis)
Primary focus at this age is through the bladder and bowel movements. -
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Independent vs Dependent (Erikson)
This stage happens around ages two to three. Developmental tasks such as walking and talking more and being potty trained occur. -
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Phallic Stage (Psychoanalysis)
The primary focus at this stage is the genitals. -
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Initiative vs Guilt (Erikson)
This stage is between four to five years of age. Developmental skills include initiating play with other children, asking questions, make believe, and learning initiative. -
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Latent Period (Psychoanalysis)
At this stage children develop social skills, values and relationships with peers and adults. -
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Accomplishment vs Fear (Erikson)
Between the ages of six to 11, developmental tasks include learning physical skills, developing intellectually, learning right from wrong, and developing and attitude. -
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Identity vs Role Confusion for Girls (Erikson)
The puberty stage, usually occurring in ages 9-13 for girls, is the beginning of adolescence. This is the second fastest growth period. These teens are beginning to be capable of reproducing, their sex characteristics begin to develop, and hormones develop. -
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Identity vs Role Confusion for Boys (Erikson)
The puberty stage, usually occuring in ages 14-17 for boys, is the beginning of adolescence. This is the second fastest growth period. These teens are beginning to be capable of reproducing, their sex characteristics begin to develop, and hormones develop. -
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Genital Stage (Psychoanalysis)
During the final stage, the individual develops a strong sense of sexual interest to the opposite sex -
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Intimacy vs Isolation (Erikson)
The stage of young adulthood, generally ages 20-30. In this stage, you become financially independent, learn to deal with life trials maturely, make important life decisions, and you reach the peak of your physical abilities. -
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Create/Nurture vs. Self Absorption (Erikson)
Generally ages 35-65 years of age, where you start to think about the rest of your life. You start to have to face the death of your parents and possibly feel that your time is running out. Midlife crisis is common, as well as not accepting middle aged. -
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Integrity vs Despair (Erikson)
Ages 65+, this is the stage where retirement is most common. You may have better health practices, your grandchildren are more in your life, and you must face death. Three ways that age is measured are: chronological, biological, and social.