Psych Timeline

  • Birth

  • Period: to


    Infancy is the time from birth until the time the infant can walk. This lasts for about 12 months
  • Grasping Reflex

    Grasping Reflex
    When an infants hand is touched, he or she will grasp whatever touched them. It's an automatic response to the stimuli and lasts about 6 months
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Trust v. Mistrust

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Trust v. Mistrust
    Can I trust the world? This occurs during early infancy
  • Babinski Reflex Disappears

    Babinski Reflex Disappears
    When something is rubbed across the bottom of a baby's foot, he or she will grab towards it. Once that reflex is gone, they will curl away from it. This lasts for about a year
  • Freud's Stages of psychosexual development: Oral

    Freud's Stages of psychosexual development: Oral
    Pleas ure is focused through the mouth
  • Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development: Sensorimotor

    Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development: Sensorimotor
    Birth to 1.5 years, the infant discovers the world by using their senses (mostly taste and touch). Object permanence and separation anxiety begin to develop during this period.
  • Rooting Reflex

    Rooting Reflex
    this reflex makes newborns to turn their head to something that touched them near the mouth. This allows them to breast feed easily and it lasts for about 18 months
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Autonomy v. Shame/Doubt

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Autonomy v. Shame/Doubt
    What can I do by myself? This lasts from age 1 to age 3
  • Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development: Anal Stage

    Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development: Anal Stage
    Pleasure is focused on eliminations
  • Period: to


  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Initiative v. Guilt

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Initiative v. Guilt
    Am I a good or bad kid? This lasts from ages 3-6
  • Freud's Phallic Stage

    Freud's Phallic Stage
    Pleasure is focused on the genitals 3-6 years
  • Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development: Preoccupational

    Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development: Preoccupational
    At ages 1.5-7 years they use symbols (words and images) to represent objects. They don't know how to reason logically. He or she an learn how to pretend. They are also highly egocentric during this time period.
  • Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: Concrete

    Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development: Concrete
    This occurs at 7-11 years. He or she can begin to think logically about concrete objects and can add/subtract. They can understand conservation and they can classify objects better.
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Industry v. Inferiority

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Industry v. Inferiority
    Am I successful or a failure? This phase lasts from around age 6-12
  • Freud's Latency Stage

    Freud's Latency Stage
    Doesn't think about sex, worries more on the fact of making friends and gaining intellect 6 yrs- puberty
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Identity v. Role Confusion

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Identity v. Role Confusion
    The person is trying to figure out who they are as an individual. This occurs during their early teen years
  • Gets License

    Gets License
    This milestone is important to many adolescents because it gives them more independence and responsibility. They are becoming more of an adult by being able to drive around by themselves
  • Turning 18

    Turning 18
    He or she is now a legal US adult. There is the moral requirements to be a good person, but now the fear that what you may do may end you in jail.
  • Graduating College

    Graduating College
    This is a step towards becoming an 'adult' and relying on themselves. They enter the 'real world' by having a serious job and dealing with adulthood problems
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Intimacy v. Isolation

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Intimacy v. Isolation
    The person is trying to figure ou who they want to spend their life with, if they want to spend their life with someone. This ocurs during their early adulthood.
  • Ault Male Crises

    Ault Male Crises
    Near the age of 30, a man refelcts on his first period of life and decides on if he needs to readjust his life to be more content
  • Marriage

    He or she will now have someone to hopefully spend the rest of their life with, and to share everything with. They deal with problems together and share financial hardships.
  • Having Kids

    Having Kids
    Having a kid means that the child is fully dependent on you and whatever you can do affects the child. There is the responsibility of making sure that the child is properly cared for and ends up as a good person.
  • Empty Nest Syndrome

    Empty Nest Syndrome
    When the last child of the household leaves, women become happier and feel free. She will most likely focus on interests she suppressed while raising her child or on new interests
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Generativity v. Stagnation

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Generativity v. Stagnation
    The person wonders if they'll succeed in life and if they can give back to the community. THis occurs during the middle of the adulthood stage.
  • Retiring

    This marks the end of their life as a working person and they can devote their time and energy to passion that they had to give up previously.
  • Onset of Alzheimer's

    Onset of Alzheimer's
    This is a neurological disease that deteriorates parts of the Brain, including the memory, making the patient more forgetful of memories. After a period of time with this disease, he/she will be unable to recognize loved ones or understand questions. Alzheimer's occurs around age 80
  • Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Ego Integrity v. Despair

    Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development: Ego Integrity v. Despair
    The person wonders if they've lived a full life and how content they may be with it. This occurs when they are an older adult
  • Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development

    Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development
    levels: pre conventional , conventional, and post conventionalPre conventional: 2 stages Stage 1: obedience and punishment (mom gets mad)Stage 2: instrumental relativist (bargaining)Conventional: 2 stagesStage 3: good kid (teacher doesn't like it) Stage 4: law and order (it's against the law)Post conventional: 2 stagesStage 5: social contract (society made a law against stealing, the law benefits society)Stage 6: universal ethics principal (not stealing because it is morally wrong)
  • Kubler Ross' Stages of Death and Dying

    Kubler Ross' Stages of Death and Dying
    Denial: The person claims that what is being said cant be true or that it is the wrong person Anger: he or she gets mad that this has occurred and obviously doesn't like itBargaining: Try to give up one or multiple things so that the person can come backDepression: they focus on the loss and how it affects them and their daily life. Acceptance: there is a calamity towards the situation and peace within.