Psych Therapies

  • Hypnotherapy

    Uses the techniques of hypnosis to induce a deep state of relaxation during which the unconscious mind is open to new ideas. This can help change behavior, emotions, etc. It began in the 18th century with Franz Mesmer who used hypnosis as treatment in Paris and Vienna. Physician James Braid also studied the phenomenon and came up with the terms hypnosis and and hypnotism from the greek god, Hypnos. Hypnosis attracted widespread interest in the 1880's with people like Sigmund Freud
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    Psychodynamic Therapy

    This type of therapy focuses on how early childhood relations can affect our development. It focuses on increasing self awareness, examining thoughts and feelings, becoming more resilient, etc. The goal is to of course lead a healthier life. It wants to bring the the unconscious into conscious. This originated from the theories of Segmund Freud.
  • Group Therapy

    Group therapy is the use of group discussion and other group activities in treatment of psychological disorders. Only a few physicians practiced group therapy before World War II. The founders of group therapy were Jacob H. Pratt, Trigant Burrow, and Paul Schilder in 1932. Pioneered by Carl Rogers and Kurt Lewin in the 1940's.
  • Gestalt Therapy

    This therapy was developed by Frederick "Fritz" S. Perls and emphasizes the wholeness of the personality and attempts to reawaken people to their emotions and sensations in the here-and-now and face to face confrontations.
  • Humanistic Therapy

    This type of therapy try to help people recognize their freedom and confront their problems while enhancing their self esteem and realizing their full potential. Abraham Maslow developed a human hierarchy of needs and Carl Rogers developed his person centered approach which evolved into humanistic therapy.
  • Family Therapy

    Focuses on relationships between family members. Murray Bowen began to develop the family systems theory in the mid 1950's. To understand the family system the family must be viewed as a whole. Bowen believed peoples birth order affected their emotions, personalities, etc.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    This therapy seeks to change distressing behavior by challenging unhelpful thoughts and beliefs. This therapy was pioneered by Aaron T. Beck