Mom claims she lost her diaphragm when they moved military bases. -
Birth - Born at 9:20am
Fort Hood Texas, Darnell Army Hospital, Military Brat -
Biosocial - Slept Through the Night
Slept on stomach and sucked thumb -
Cognitive - First Word is Dada
My dad is my hero -
Psychosocial - Pottytrained
Cognitive - Started PRESCHOOL
Hosana Tabor Lutheran -
Biosocial - Learned to Ride a Two Wheeler
Learned at my nanas house, she had longer sidewalks and I remember my dad running behind me. -
Psychosocial - Best Friends with Cousin who is same age
Amy, cousin and best friend -
Cognitive - In Elementary Honors Reading Program
RIF, Reading is Fundamental program. Won honors reading. -
Biosocial - Changed Schools when I moved
Very hard on me. 4th grade, changed in middle of school year. -
Psychosocial - Loss of Grandmother & Major Illness of Mother
Maternal Grandmother comiitted suicide and mom diagnosed with Lupus -
Cognitive - Difficulty adjusting to Junior High
Biosocial - Started Menstrual period at 12
Psychosocial - Joined Police Explorers
Joined Garden City Police Explorer Program at 13, continued until age 19. -
Biosocial - Training to become a police officer
Wanted to be a police officer ever since I was 12 years old. -
Cognitive - Attended College after High School
Graduated with diploma from Garden City High School, then started Madonna University. -
Psychosocial - Married First time
Married at 19, had son at 21 -
Biosocial - Birth of Son
My son Travis was born by emergency c-section. He was in NICU for 2 weeks due to complications. -
Psychosocial - Divorce
Psychosocial - Death of Mother (unexpected)
She was 49 when she passed and I was 28. -
Psychosocial - Married 2nd time
Biosocial - Birth of Daughter, 2nd child
My daughter Makenzie was born. 2nd most blessed event of my life. -
Biosocial - Birth of Second Son, 3rd child
3rd blessed event of my life. My son Caden was born on Christmas day. -
Today, My life now.
Cognitive - Finishing Degree is Psychology
Biosocial - Turning 45 and Running first half marathon
I am not a runner and have never run any type of race. This is my personal goal for turning that pivotal age. -
Pyschosocial - First grandchild
My son gives me my first grandchild. -
Cognitive - 60 years old and Continuing to practice psychology
Goal is to continue well into late life practicing Psychology. -
Retire to Florida with Husband
Hopeful that this will happen. -
Death at 85 years of age.
Mother died at 49, maternal grandmother died at 58, paternal grandmother at 51.