Psy 150, Lifespan development

  • Finding one's place in society

    Jimmy, a senior in high school, took a job survey to find the best career path for him. After completing it, Jimmy realized that an art field would best suit his talents and mind set. Jimmy happily pursued to seek a degree in the Art field, despite his parents disapproval. Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus identity confusion, adolescences have to discover what their role is in their culture and their identity, otherwise they will become an adult without a solid sense of self.
  • Raising a Child

    Raising a Child
    Jimmy and Kimmy have a baby, Timmy, whom they raise together. Though they had to sacrifice some personal goals and time for their child, they felt accomplished because Timmy became a physically and mentally healthy adult. Erikson's seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation, focuses on if an adult has positively contributed to society or the next generation via providing care and being involved, or if the adult feels unproductive due to not contributing to society or the next generation.
  • Reflection

    Jimmy and Kimmy, after 80 years of marriage, are both on their death beds. They both reflect on their marriage, reminiscing on both their fights and accomplishments as a couple. Though they regretted having kids at a young age, they were very satisfied with their life and marriage. In Erikson's eighth stage, ego integrity versus despair, a person either looks back on life full of regrets and guilt (despair), or they are satisfied with their life, including all the bad and good parts about it.