North Koreans cross the 38th Parallel and had a suprise attack on SOuth Korea. This started the Korean War. -
The adversarie signed armistrice. The agreement allowed POWS to stay where they like. It also stated that there would be a new boundary near the 38th parallel and South Korea would have 1,500 square miles. A 2-mile "demililarized zone" was create as well. -
Geneva Peace Accords signed by Vietnam and France after Second Indochina War. Nationalistforces lead by General Vo Ngugen Giap caused France to leave and no longer control their Indochinese colonies. -
Using SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) the USA created a new nation in the dust of Southern Vietnam. With lots of U.S. help, Rebuplic of Vietnam was created. Anti-communist Ngo Dihn Diem was elected president. -
Diem claimed to be attacked by Northern Communists. U.S. military aid helped Diem counterattack. Used CIA to find Communist and put them in jail with no fformal charges due to brand new law called Law 10/59 -
The USA sent President Kennedy to report on conditions in South Vietnam. The report, now known as the "Decemper 1961 WHite Paper," asled for incease in aid (military, technical, and economic) in South Vietnam. It also asked for "advisors" to help Diem. -
The Second Indochina War ended when communist forces captured the presidential palace of Saigon. -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan to support the Banner Party, which was a left-wing military officer lead party. -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan to support the Banner Party, which was a left-wing military officer lead party. -
President Carter called for a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Also, he increased aid for Afghanistan. -
Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. They could not defeat the mujahideen. Soviet Union and Afghanistan returned to being nonaligned.