Propaganda has really been around forever. If you boil it down it comes to persuaing public opinion. -
Jan 1, 600
The first evidence of intentional propaganda was found in ancient Greece. -
Jan 1, 1450
Printing Press
With the invention of the Printing press, Propaganda is able to massivley thrown into the faces of the general public. It was a less risky and more efficient way of relaying propaganda. -
Mar 22, 1493
There have been prejudices against the Jewish people for centuries. -
Civil War
A poster from the North. -
The first idea of the televsion was created. Any public broadcast will not be around for a long time. The television gets refined many times over before that happens. -
The Radio
The first radio was made in 1896 and it was a telegraph transmission, the first broadcast was in 1898 and that was of a sport event. -
Wake up America
A world War One poster telling American's that it's time to join the war effort. -
Herbert Hoover
Presidential elections are full of propaganda. No matter were you are you can't get away from someone trying to shove an opinion down your throat. -
Nazi Propaganda
The Nazi party tried to get people to see how good the lives are when you join the Nazi party. -
public television broadcasting
This is the year where public television broadcasting really stated to become a big deal. It combines the best of both worlds, it allowed both picture and sound. it Brought radio and newspaper ads together. -
Evils of Propaganda
This is the darker side of propaganda. The Nazi party is trying to get people to dislike Jewish people. -
The protective eagle
This eagle really became the symbol of the Nazi party. It showed that it's ever diligent and will always protect those under it's wings. -
Rosie the Riveter
This poster came about in world war two, when more men were needed for the war effort, so to compensate for the lack of workers women were to take their place in the workforce. -
Cold War
A bit of cold war propaganda -
The World Wide Web
The World Wide Web was made many years after the internet. The internet is a series of networks on a network. The World Wide Web is a network of internet websites. The internet has been around since 1958. For propaganda, the World Wide Web worked wonders. It allowed people from all around the world to communicate, or even pursuade a public opinion. -
2009 presidential election
Posters like this along with any bumper sticker about any canidate is propaganda.