
  • What is Propaganda

    What is Propaganda
    Propaganda is a way to change the public opinion with images with a wide array of powerful color. only giving information to help or hurt the cause. propaganda appeals to emotions rather than intellect.
  • How did propaganda came to life

    How did propaganda came to life
    Propaganda, although it has existed almost recently, and has grown immensely during the past few centuries but evidence of propaganda dates back as far as ancient greece. The advent of communication media on a larger acale has exponentially increased its usage. After the invention of the printing press, it became possible to quickly and easily produce posters and books
  • The rise of Propaganda

    The rise of Propaganda
    Propaganda bolstered by the invention of the radio. the ability to communicate orally with large amounte of people in a very small amount of time also helped the devlopment of propaganda. Before radio, it was amlost impossible to communicate directly with many people in such a short amount of time.
  • The alter of Propagnda

    The alter of Propagnda
    Propaganda may have a negative connotation, propaganda itself is not necessarily bad. Propaganda is an attempt to change opinions by persuasively presenting new ones. The propagandist attempts to alter the opinions of his subjects or viewers by convincing them of the validity of their own.