The coupons will be buy one meals and get one free. A meal comes with a side of fries or chips and any medium sized drink. These will be distributed to all houses in muskego via mail. This will help gain temporary popularity to keep the image of the company good until I can make my next plan. -
product samples
The second step will be to give out samples of the best food item we hold to interest customers and prove that it doesn’t make you sick and is actually very tasty. This will be handed out at the cafe but also at local music festivals such as jammin on janesville. This will help reach the target market of music lovers and hopefully food lovers as well. -
Traffic Builders
Third step will be free merchandise with company logo on it with a purchase of 10$ or more. This will help draw in more customers who want free items and also advertise when people use/wear these items in public. This will help improve the image of the company when people see the logo on their friends/families merchandise and ask about the company. The person who owns the merchandise will have a positive response to their questions and get them to visit the cafe. -
Fourth step will be a sweepstakes that requires you to buy any one drink at the cafe to enter. Once entered you will write down your name and phone number on a small piece of paper. The name will be drawn the weekend after and the person will win free small coffee for a year. This will help attract customers to come the week before to enter the contest and purchase a drink and then after that the person who won will help draw in more customers by bringing them for a coffee. -
Coupon Plan
After everything calms down about 3 hospitalized customers it would be a good time to start a coupon plan to get regular customers and insure the survival of the company. The coupon plan will be a stamp card and you will need to purchase any drink 7 times and then you will receive a free one your next visit.