Lager Beer riot
The Lager beer riot was due to the Prohibition of bars to serve on Sundays and the raise in liquor licence. -
The great chicago fire
One of the biggest fires in the history of Chicago that burned down a large amount of area.The start of the fire is believed to have been caused by a cow that kicked over a lamp. -
Chicago public library opens
The first Chicago public Library is founded -
Rairoad strike
The rail road strike was caused because railroad wages were rising it affected railroad workers. -
Telephone service begins in chicago
The first telephone service ( suprisingly AT&T) was operating in 1878 -
French American union's plan to consuct statue of liberty
The french American raised enough money to construct the statue of liberty.(date might not be exact) -
James Garfield wins presidential election
James Garfield wins the US presidential election to Winfeild Hancock. -
Thomas Eddisons's first christmas lights
Thommas eddison uses christmas lights for the first time. -
Statue of Liberty arrives to New York
The statue of liberty arrives to new york by a french ship. -
Haymarket riot
The hay market riot was a form of protest against the murder and mistreatment of workers. -
Jack the ripper's first victim
Jack the ripper's first victim is found dead in London. -
Paris exposition
The world Exposition that introduced the Eiffel tower to the world. -
Jane Addams founds the hull house
The Jane Addams hull house which sheltered European Immigrants. -
Fair's pumping station demolished
The Columbian exposition's pumping( when recently finished) station was demolished by a windstorm. -
Ally L (the L) goes into operation
The Alley L or the L as we call it today operated in 1892 to serve as transportation. -
Liberal Arts building
The liberal arts building is damaged after a storm. -
Buffalo bill
Buffalo bill lead a exhibition following the Columbian exposition that provided entertainment. -
World's Columbian Exposition
The Exposition that was hosted in america to commemorate Columbus's 400 year anniversary. This fair introduced the Ferris wheel which was made to compete against Paris' Eiffel tower. -
Ferris wheel opens
The first Ferris wheel is presented at the world's fair and results as a very successful part of the fair. -
Columbian museum of chicago
Feild museum today -
Mayor Carter Harrison Assasination
Mayor carter Harrison was assassinated a day before the closing day of the Colombian exposition( the Chicago's world fair). -
Pullman Strike
The Pullman strike was the national boycott of the railroads in the US. -
Holmes gets arrested
HH Holmes America's first serial Killer was arrested after being suspected of killing the pietzel children on a trip. -
Geyer set out to look for the pietzel children
Geyer sets out to find the pietzel children who were missing and last seen with Holmes. -
Chicago Butter and egg board
The Chicago Butter and egg board was Chicago's mercantile exchange.