

  • Period: to

    space exploration

  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The Sputinik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite.
    It was launched by the soviet union on october 4th 1957 at 7:28 pm. Its design included a large metal sphere with four extended metal antennas.
    It's launch was considered as what started the “space age”
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    It was america's first rocket sent into space succesfully.
    It was around the size of two basketballs. It was considered the first attempt for america to show interest in the space race.
  • Gemini 3

    Gemini 3
    Luanched at 9:24 am it was Americas second ship sent out to space. NASA's first manned mission of the three gemini ships. piloted by astronmer Virgil Gus.
  • Viking 1

    Viking 1
    One of two of the first probes to succesfuly land on Mars. It could reach speeds up to 8,948 mph. With this amazing speed it landed on mars within less than two years!
  • Voyager 1

    Voyager 1
    The Voyager was one of NASA's probes sent out to explore space. But changed history when it succeeded their expectations and reached interstellar space. The voyager had lasted 36 years and eight months before loosing connection.