Project #3

  • Jamestown was formed.

    Jamestown was the first english settlement of New America. Although short-lived, Jamestown was extremely revolutionary, and important for the colonization of America.
  • Tobacco crops were started

    The first Tobacco plants were planted, which would lead to a huge cash crop industry.
  • House of burgesses

    The first representative assembly. This was the first time we begin to see government and order develop.
  • Slaves arrive in Jamestown

    The first slaves arrive in Jamestown, from Africa.
  • Plymoth was created

    The Colony of Plymoth in Massachusetts was established by the English.
  • Maryland established

    Maryland was established by Charles I
  • Carolina's founded

    Both North and South Carolina were founded
  • English Conquer "New York"

    First called New Amsterdam by the dutch, New york was seized by the English. This land would quickly grow into a large power in early America