Agliata, Daniel, and Stacey Tantleff-Dunn. "The Impact of Media Exposure on Males' Body Image." Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology 23.1 (2004): 7-22. Web. 11 Sept. 2015.
The researchers of this article concluded that idealized images shown in social media affects males in a negatively. The males viewing the images, which emphasized muscular males, experienced mood changes including signs of depression. -
Hargreaves, Duane A., and Marika Tiggemann. "Muscular Ideal Media Images And Men's Body Image: Social Comparison Processing and Individual Vulnerability." Psychology of Men & Masculinity 10.2 (2009): 109-119. PsycARTICLES. Web. 16 Sept. 2015.
The researchers concluded that social media impact males negatively when they were shown images of males with high physical attractiveness. They also claimed that some males have high appearance orientation, which means that they focus not only on physical appearance but their economic status based on the images, are more impacted then males who do not have this characteristic. -
Nikkelen, Sanne W. C., et al. "Influence of Visual Attention On Male Body Dissatisfaction After Idealized Media Exposure." Psychology of Men & Masculinity 13.3 (2012): 308-323. PsycARTICLES. Web. 4 Oct. 2015.
This article concluded that social media affected males with high visual attention positively. They argued that social media affects males positively because they are more preoccupied with changing their body appearance with they are shown images of muscular males. -
Kim, Ji Won, and T. Makana Chock. "Body Image 2.0: Associations between Social Grooming On Facebook and Body Image Concerns." Computers In Human Behavior 48.(2015): 331-339. ScienceDirect. Web. 4 Oct. 2015.
The research article concluded that social media does not affect males in a negative matter if they are just viewing it. The male has to actually be interacting with a type of media, like commenting on friends profiles or liking their pictures on Facebook, in order for them to be negatively affected. Personal interaction with social media is the main factor that determines if social media will affect a male or not.