
By Yoyor
  • The compromise of 1850 including the Fugitive Slave act

    The compromise of 1850 including the Fugitive Slave act
    It was a series of measurements that were taken by the senator to settle issues like slavery and considering state’s independence. The compromise lead nation more into slavery which was one of the reasons leading to civil war.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    The bleeding Kansas occurred over the Nebraska- Kansas act. There were violent civil confrontations over slavery in the Kansas area. People were pro slavery when others were anti slavery. It lead to civil war because they realized there was no compromise and it was unavoidable which lead to the civil war.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    It created two new territories and allowed popluar sovereignty. This lead to the civil war because people were very upset about the new rules, it also intensified the bitter debate over slavery which made it explode into the civil war.
  • Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner

    Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner
    The Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner issue was caused because Preston brooks who was a pro slavery democrat used a walking cane to attack Charles Sumner who was an abolitionist republican. This contributes to the civil war because it was considered “a symbolic of the breakdown of reasoned discourse” and that they were willing to resort to violence which eventually lead to the civil war.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

     Dred Scott v. Sandford
    Dred Scott v. Sandford was an act which determined that African Americans weren’t American Citizens so they didn’t have the right to any rights and privileges. This lead to the civil war because it pulled the northern states and southern states farther for each other because they decided to extend slavery out.
  • Lincoln - Douglas Debates

    Lincoln - Douglas Debates
    The Lincoln and Douglas debate was about slavery where Lincoln said slavery is immoral and should be abolished where Douglas said white people should decide for themselves if they allow it or not. This was one of the reasons that lead to civil war is because Douglas accused Lincoln of being an abolitionist when Lincoln accused Douglas of wanting to nationalize slavery which realized in disagreements.
  • John Browns Raid on Harper’s Ferry

    John Browns Raid on Harper’s Ferry
    John Brown was a man who supported slavery to the max. He had started a raid to make slavery more in the southern states. This lead to the civil war because he had catapulted the nation into civil war since now there was increased distrust between the south and north.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    When the presidential election was going on, the nations were getting more heated about slavery so how were people going to vote, he also spoke about anti slavery. This lead to the civil war because he won the election and had made slavery gone. This made the southern states upset.