

  • 18th Amendment Proposed

    18th Amendment Proposed
    Established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring the production, transport and sale of alcohol illegal.
  • Wartime Prohibition Act

    Wartime Prohibition Act
    Banned the sale of alcoholic beverages having an alcohol content of greater than 2.75% ( also known as the "Thirsty-First".)
  • Volstead Act

    Volstead Act
    Established prohibition in the United States.
  • Prohibition started in the U.s

  • Period: to


    Prohibition was a national ban on the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol, in place from 1920 to 1933.
  • Rise of Bootlegging

    Rise of Bootlegging
    Bootlegging is the illegal business of transporting alcoholic beverages where such transportation is forbidden by law.
  • Black-market Violence

    Black-market Violence
    Prohibition had transformed the cities into battlegrounds between opposing bootlegging gangs. In a study of over 30 major U.S cities during the prohibition years of 1920 and 1921, the number of crimes increased by 24%. Additionally, theft and burglaries increased by 9%, homicide by 12.7%, assaults and battery rose by 13%, drug addiction by 44.6% and police department costs rose by 11.4%
  • Elliot Ness Tackles Prohibition Violators

    Elliot Ness Tackles Prohibition Violators
    Was an American Prohibition agent, famous for his efforts to enforce Prohibition.
  • The Man In The Green Hat

    The Man In The Green Hat
    In October 1930, just two weeks before the Congressional midterm elections, bootlegger George Cassiday, "the man in the green hat," came forward and told how he had bootlegged for ten years for Congress.
  • Cullen-Harrison Act

    Cullen-Harrison Act
    On March 22, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt signed an amendment to the Volstead Act known as the Cullen-Harrison Act, allowing the manufacture and sale of "3.2 beer" and light wines.
  • End Of Prohibition

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

    Alcoholics Anonymous
    Heavy drinkers and alcoholics were among the most affected parties during prohibition. Those who were determined to find liquor could still do so, but those who saw their drinking habits as destructive typically had difficulty in finding the help they sought. The self-help societies had withered away along with the alcohol industry and in 1935 a new self-help group was founded: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)