Designed: Konrad Zuse
Mean:Designed for engineering purposes
Stand for:Plan Calculus "Kalkül" means formal system – the Hilbert-style deduction system is for example originally called "Hilbert-Kalkül", so Plankalkül means "formal system for planning". -
Designed: james Gosling and Sun Microsystem
Mean: It intended to let applications developes write once, rn anywhere (WORA) meaning that the code that runs one platform does not need to be recompiled to run on another -
Desgned: a group led by Charles Katz
Mean: Is the marketing name for the AT-3 compiler. Early programming language for UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. Intended as an improvement over FORTRAN. -
Desgned: John McCarthy
Mean:Created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs
Stand for:LISt Processing -
Designed: Grace Hopper, Willam Selden, Gertude Tierney< Howard Brombang, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E. Sammet.
Mean: Business applications, many payroll, accounting
Stand for: Common Business- Oriented Language -
Designed: IBM
Mean: a tool to replicate punched cardprocessing on the IBM 1401 then updated to RPG II for the IBM System/3 in the late 1960s, and since evolved into an HLL equivalent to COBOL and PL/I.
Stand for: Report Program Generator -
Designed: John George and Thomas Eugene Kurtz.(
Mean:It is like microsoft.
Stand for: Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Inttruction Code) -
Desgned: Wally Feurzeing and Seymour Papert
Mean:mainly for its use of turtle graphics, in which commands for movement and drawing produced line graphics either on screen or with a small robot called a turtle. The language was originally conceived to enable what Papert called body-syntonic reasoning where students could understand (and predict and reason about) the turtle's motion by imagining what they would do if they were the turtle. -
Designed:Apple, Nikulaus Wirth, Anders Hejlsberg
Mean:Intergrated development eniroment (IDE) for console, desktop graphical, web, and mobile applications object pascal mostly known as the primary programing language.
Stand for: embarcadero Delphi -
Designed:KenThompson with contribution from Dennis Ritchie.
Mean: I nvole complete logical desion making, and processing of intergers, charters, and bit strings.
Stand for: Ken wrote B baseing it mainly on the BCPL language he had used in the multics project. -
Desgnied: Niklaus Wirth
Mean:Encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring.
Stand for: A derivative known as Object Pascal designed for object-oriented programming was developed in 1985. -
Designed: Dennis Richie
Mean: it is for structured programming that allows lexical varible scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unitended operations.
Stands for: Callor -
Desgined: Robin Milner and others
Mean:It is known for its use of the Hindley–Milner type inference algorithm, which can automatically infer the types of most expressions without requiring explicit type annotations. Additionally, the use of this algorithm ensures type safety—there is a formal proof that a well-typed ML program does not cause runtime type errors.
Srand for:metalanguage -
Designed: Donald D. Chamberluin and Raymond F. Boyce
Mean:designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS). SQL consists of a data definition language and a data manipulation language. The scope of SQL includes data insert, query, update and delete, schema creation and modification, and data access control. Although SQL is often described as, and to a great extent is, a declarative language (4GL), it also includes proceduralelements.
Stand for:Structured Query -
Designed:team led by Jean Ichbian of CII Honey Well Bull under contract to the United States Department of Defence.
Mean: It is a large long-lived application and embedded systems in partict war wher reliability and effciency are essential.
Stand for: It is named after Ada Lovelace. -
Desgned:Bjarne Stroustrup
Mean: it is a statically typed, free form, multi-pardigm and compiled.
Stand for: originally named c with classe, adding object oriented features, such as classes, they renamed it C++ as a pun involing trhe increment operator. -
Designed: Guido Von Rassuim
Mean:Its design philosophy emphasizes codereadability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such asC. The language provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both a small and large scale. -
Visuyal Basic
Designed: Microsoft
Mean;was derived from BASIC and enables the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI)applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation ofActiveX controls and objects.
Stand for:The scripting language VBScript is a subset of Visual Basic. -
Designed:Brendan Eich
Mean:Part of web browsers, implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed.
Stand for: JS -
Designed: Rasmus Lerdorf
Mean:Designed for web development.PHP commands can be embedded directly into an HTML source document rather than calling an external file to process data. It has also evolved to include a command-line interface capability and can be used in standalone graphical applications.
Stan for:While PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, it now stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, a recursive acronym.