Progressive Timeline

  • Period: to

    Early 1900s

  • National Reclamation Act

    National Reclamation Act
    Set aside the western states for irrigation projects. Texas was not included until 1906
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    Authorized the interstate commerce to give railroads who offered rebates heavy fines
  • NAtional Wildlife Refuge System

    Created to preserve wildlife in the United States
  • United States Forest service

    United States Forest service
    Created to protect the national parks and grasslands of the United States
  • Meat inspection act

    Meat inspection act
    Checked all proccesed meats making them safe to eat
  • Hepburn act

    Hepburn act
    Raised the railroad rates to maximum price and extended its juristiction
  • Pure food and drug act

    Pure food and drug act
    An act that that protects citizens from poisonous drugs and other substances
  • Muller vs Oregon

    Muller vs Oregon
    The fight that eventually lowered womens work days

    The purpose is to eliminate racial segregation in the Unites States
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    Gave congress the right to levy an income tax not based on the census
  • 17th amendment

    17th amendment
    Gave citizens direct vote towards their senators
  • Federal reserve act

    Federal reserve act
    Created and set up the central banking of the united states
  • Federal trade commision act

    Federal trade commision act
    Cease and desist trusts and large corporations
  • Clayton anti trust act

    Clayton anti trust act
    Break trusts in large corporations
  • Keating owen child labor act

    Keating owen child labor act
    Banned child labor in the United States
  • National Park Service

    Protects and preserves national parks and monuments
  • Bunting vs Oregon

    Lowered the work day to ten hours
  • Hammer vs Dagenhart

    Enacted child labor laws
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    originally banned alcohol but was repealed
  • 19th amendment

    Gave women suffarage