Wyoming Gives Women Right to Vote
Wyoming was going to be denied statehood because its government allowed women to vote. Wyoming decided to remain a territory, but the US changed its mind and let Wyoming become a state. It became the second to grant women the right to vote; New Jersey was the first. Primary Source: The newly designed flag with 44 stars.
(http://antiquescouncil.com/antiques/index.php?page=out&id=2513) -
600,000 signatures
The New York Women's Suffrage Association got 600,000 people to sign a petition for women's rights. It was presented to the New York State Constitutional Convention trying to get a women's suffrage amendment. Primary Source: Souvenir Ribbon
(http://womansuffragememorabilia.com/woman-suffrage-memorabilia/suffrage-ribbons/) -
Utah Grants Women's Suffrage
Utah gave women the rght to vote. Many more states in the West followed suit. Primary Source: Picture of document requesting Utah grant women right to vote which lead to Utah giving women the vote.
(http://archives.utah.gov/research/exhibits/Statehood/ferguson.htm) -
WTUL Formed
The National Women's Trade Union League is formed. It advocated for higher wages and improved working conditions for women. Primary Source: Seal of the National Women's Trade Union League
(http://www.nwhm.org/online-exhibits/industry/9.htm) -
Congrssional Union Formed
Alice Paul and Lucy Burns form the Congressional Union. This organization was aimed at getting the federal amendment to give women the right to vote. It was renamed the National Women's Party in 1917. Primary Source: Congression Union Meeting Announcement
(http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trr170.html) -
National Suffrage Parade
8,000 people took part in the first national suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. It took place the day before Wilson's inauguration. Primary Source: Picture of parade
(http://www.fasttrackteaching.com/burns/Unit_5_Progressive/U5_Womens_Suffrage.html) -
Congress Rejects Amendment
The US House of Representatives denied a proposition for a constitutional amendment for women's suffrage. Anti-suffragists continued to express their views. Primary Source: Political cartoon from anti-suffragists.
(http://www.loc.gov/pictures/item/2002720392/) -
NWP Pickets White House
Wilson was reelected, and suffragists picketed the White House demanding him to grant women the right to vote. This was the first picketing outside the White House and was organized by the National Women's Party. Primary Source: Picture of picketers.
(http://www.wcl.american.edu/history/picketline.cfm) -
First Woman in Congress
The first woman was elected to the US House of Representatives. It was Jeannette Rankin of Montana. Primary Source: Card Rankin sent to Montana voters.
(http://www.gretchenwoelfle.com/jeannette_rankin__political_pioneer_60457.htm) -
19th Amendment Ratified
Congress ratified the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote in every state. Primary Source: Document of the 19th Amendment.