Progressive Era to New Era 1900-1929

  • Progressive Era to New Era

    Progressive Era to New Era
    During the progressive era, the nation started to have much involvement in society to make drastic changes. Americans hoped to make the nation a better place to live by giving women the right to vote, taking care of corrupt or lower class cities, and continuing economic growth and prosperity.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era to New Era

  • Cities During the Progressive Era

    Cities During the Progressive Era
    Cities during the progressive era weren't exactly the idea place. Americans hoped to change that by growing cities, factories, and small businesses. As the cities continued to evolve more and more people started to move into them, causing many problem for others.
  • Air conditioning

    Air conditioning
    On April 4th 1902, the air conditioner was created by Willis Carrier. This invention is still beneficial in most household aroung the world.
  • Photo Collage of New York City in the Early 1900’s

    Photo Collage of New York City in the Early 1900’s
    This photo is showing how living in New York City during the progressive era was actually like. For middle and upper class people, cities provided enriches lives. But, for the lower class, which was made up by the majority of the people, life was oftentimes far from good.
  • Death of Susan B Anthony

    Death of Susan B Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony was a leader during the movement of womens suffrage and she passed away on March 13th 1906.
  • The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

    The San Francisco Earthquake of 1906
    In this book excerpt by Frank Leach it describes how it was to like to experience this terrible disaster. Some of the consequences of the earthquake was broken water pipes in the streets and collapsed buildings. He states that the earthquake was the memorable event of his life and that the sight was the most terrible sight he had ever seen.
  • Oklahoma

    On November 16, 1907 Oklahoma became a state of the United States, making it the 46th state to join.
  • The Importance of Women’s influence in all religions and Benevolent Societies

    The Importance of Women’s influence in all religions and Benevolent Societies
    This article discussed the benefit women had in communities. The writer believed that women should serve meaningful positions in their societies and was in favor of ladies molding and shaping behaviors practiced on a daily basis.
  • Womens Suffrage in the Progressive Era

    Womens Suffrage in the Progressive Era
    Women have worked to gain their voting rights ever since the 1850's. They began to gain more power within the years of 1900-1920. Voting was not the only privelage they attempted to achieve. Women in the movement wanted equality among all aspects of their society, such as child labor, women in unions, and liquor restrictions.
  • Xray

    On May 24t, the xray was created which is still extremely helpful nowadays.
  • World War I

    World War I
    The United States decided to join it's allies Britain, France, and Russia in World War I.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Dies

    Theodore Roosevelt Dies
    Former president, Theodore Roosevelt dies of Cardiovascular disease at age 60.
  • Why women should vote

    Why women should vote
    This document was promoting women's suffrage. The author, Alice Stone Blackwell was outlining 16 reasons to why women should have a irght to vote. This clearly states her reasoning with statistics and opinions.
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    The Great Gatsby was a famous book written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this book, the author symbolized the individuaity and sense of hope between the citizens of America.
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Amelia Earhar becomes the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Antibiotics

    In the year of 1928, Alexander Fleming created antibiotics which helps fight bacteria away. This medicine is still comonly used today in the medical field.
  • Great Depression Starts

    Great Depression Starts
    Great Depression starts soon after the stock market crash of October 1929 and ends until 1938, making it the longest economic depression.
  • Analysis

    Throughout th eyears of 1900-1929, many extreme changes were made towards the society. Many famous artworks, music, and writing from is still acknowledged and used in todays society. It was a time of development and observations among the equality and behavior of civilizations. This is still important today because without womens suffrage, gender equality would not be as dedveloped.