The Hull House
THe Hull House was a "settlement house" for the needy. Jane Adams and Florence Kelly dedicated themselve to safe housing. The house was used to educate the working poor of art and literature. They called the lawmakers and convinced Chicago, Illionois to pass the child labor law, better working conditions, and education. [work cited](http://• https://www.nwhm.org/online-exhibits/progressiveera/hullhouse.html) -
Teddy Roosevelt as President
TR set up the Square Deal. he beleived that Nation Parks should be provided to the public for people that don't have any yards at home. He was always understanding what the people wanted. He broke up rail roads, went for monopolies, he also had 44 anti-trust cases.
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National Child Labor Comittie
The goals of abolishing all Child Labor. this was led by Florence Kelly, Lillian Wald, adn JAne Adams. they began with the children working in the coal and glass industry. In 1908 NCLC hired a photographer to send pictures to the public to help the public turn against child labor. All they wanted was the children to be normal men and woman. work Citied -
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
The Triangle shirtwaist fire was one of the biggest fires in U.S history. The fire killed about 145 people due to poor working conditions. Most of the woman died as a result to poor conditions of the factory adn the locked doors. This fire brought attention to the dangerous working conditions in the sweat shops. Many laws passed to protect the workings and provide them with a better working enviroment.
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Federal Trade Commission established
Wiilson administration forms the Federal Trade Commission to regulate fair competition among businesses and industries. the commission is granted unprecedented power of enforcement on issues. the issues are, price fixing, mergers, and truth in advertising.
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