Progressive Era

  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Work CitedPresident Roosevelt became concerned with the possibility that Europe could swing into the western hemisphere and attempt gain land or power. Because of this, Roosevelt saw it necessary to re-enforce the Monroe Doctrine, stating America's essential claim and prevention from further European colonization, and as America's grew, their military forces could finally be taken seriously.
  • The Square Deal

    Work CitedWhen Roosevelt was reelected president in 1904, he immediately went to work on progressive reforms. By 1906, he had created muliple acts such as the Hepburn Act, the Pure Food Act, and the Drug Act. Roosevelt's reforms were meant to represent the equal voice of all Americans and while he was succeeding in the eyes of the people, the gap between the progressives and the conservatives within the Republican party widened.
  • Panic of 1907

    Work CitedBanks, companies, and brokerage firms were going into bankruptcy. What sparked the panic was the natural disaster that happened in San Francisco and the devestation created inflation. Because of America's financial crash, it opened the eyes of political leaders such as Roosevelt and J.P. Morgan and made them realize that reform was needed. Later resulting in the Federal Reserve Act.
  • New Freedom

    Work CitedWoodrow Wilson ran his campaign on the idea of "new freedom", which was a plan influenced and associated with lawyer Louis D. Brandeis. This platform consisted of 3 main points. 1. Lowering the protective tariff 2. Creating a better banking system and 3. Strengthening antitrust laws. Wilsons plan was based on his perception that America didn't want to be under full governmental control.
  • New Nationalism

    Work CitedRoosevelt brought the idea of New Nationalism which called for reforms on almost all aspects of American life. These reforms included: Federal regulation of all interstate business, laws ending child labor, minimum wages for women, a nationwide primary system for choosing presidential candidates, a national system of old-age pensions, woman’s suffrage (this represented the first time a major party had advocated nationwide woman’s suffrage)
  • Progressive Party

    Work Cited"Blue Moose Party" Roosevelt tried to seek reelection in 1912 against Republican Presiident Taft. As both candidates competed for Republican nomination, Taft ended with more votes. Feeling determined, Roosevelt and his followers started a new political party called the Progressive Party and began a platform called "New Nationalism"
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Work CitedPresident Woodrow Wilson signs the long debated act into law. "it stood as a classic example of compromise—a decentralized central bank that balanced the competing interests of private banks and populist sentiment." 12 regional banks were spread out between districts, gave the federal government the ability to control, stablize, and expand the financial system.
  • The Panama Canal

    Work CitedAmerica was in search of a place to build a canal and their interest in Panama was increasing. Roosevelt tried to negotiate a price and rental to build the canal in Columbia. However, Roosevelt became annoyed with Columbia's demands and troops were sent to take over the Panama entirely. This swift move resulted in a huge transport system that created convience and revenue for America. Also, it showed America's growing confidence and determination during the last stretch of the Progressive Era.
  • Child Labor Reforms

    Work CitedBy 1910, around two million children made up 6% of America's workforce and were working unreasonable hours inside health hazardous factories. After many debates and reforms, finally in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson finalized and signed the "Tax on employment of child labor". This was a huge step in eliminating child labor and children working under ages 15 had decrease by almost 50%. By 1941, the Keating-Owen Act of 1916 was reconsidered and established the child labor laws that we have today.
  • Women's Rights

    Work CitedSaid to be the biggest achievement of the Progressive Era, the ongoing persistence of the woment of America is argued to be the backbone of the Progressive Era. The reform began before the the set timespan of the progressive era, however the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote, was not ratified until 1920.