progressive era

  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    William was a representative for Nebraska between 1890-1895. He was a strong suppoer of creating a national income tax and aslo strong supporter of senators being elected by the popluar vote. He belived that snetaors should not be apointed by state legators but instead be elcted by a popluar vote. He was the big voice in the house that wanted to support the popular vote. His voice changed the way that senators were chosen
  • Public Service Reform

    Public Service Reform
    Womens Suffrege was huge in the Progressvive Era. Women like Susan B Anthony were convincing more women to join her cause. In 1890 she came up with a group called the NAWSA. Through this group susan changed the view of the public on how women should have the right to vote and be able to have the same jobs as men. Many women boycotted and protested for there rights and eventually they were given to them. The NAWSA was a n orginaztion that was the cause for women ton have equal rights as men.
  • Eugine Debs

    Eugine Debs
    Eugine was one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of The World. In 1894 the Pullman Strike was put ointo effect. This strike cut wages after the ecoonomy panic of 1893. The cutting of the wages forced the railroad workers to plead support from the union and when the union refused Debs joined the strike. He was furious that the union would not give the support the railroad workers needed. Debs joining the strike became known as the Debs Rebellion.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Thedore Roosevelt was the founder of the Progressive Party in 1912. He came up with the square deal in 1904. The square deal was put into place if a buisness vicitmized their workers than than he would see to it that the common people recieved the Square Deal. It was importasnt to the Progressive Era because it help the common people have some power when it came to working with the rich and power people.
  • Lincoln Steffins

    Lincoln Steffins
    He was a journaslist for the McClures magazine that wrote many artlcles. Some of his articles got published into a book called the Shame of the Cities in 1904.
  • Labor Reform

    Labor Reform
    The National Child Labor Committee was a committee that was sent out to investigate the conditions in which children were working. When they saw how the children were being treated the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional. This was good for progressivism because children were being put in to very dangerous machinery that someimes killed them so this made it more safe for people even children working in the factories.
  • Corrupt Practices Reform

    Corrupt Practices Reform
    There were many different corrupt businesses in the Progressive Era. The biggest corruption that was discovered was in the meat industry. Meat companies would sell meat that was not in the best quality to sell. The meat would either of gone bad or would of been unsanitary. When people discovered what was happeneing an act called the Meat Inspection Act was put in place. This act would make sure that meat companies were selling ok meat. This made companies start to follow the rules.
  • Robert la Follette

    Robert la Follette
    Robert served 3 terms as governer before entering the US senate.His major target was the railroad industry. He believed that the railroad companies should have to pay the same rate as other business property. He set up a commission to regualte rates and stop the use of free passes to state officals. This was big for the Progressive Era becuase the rail road was huge in this time and Robert made sure that they were not scimming money off the top and that no one was getting any special passes.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton was a muckraking jouralist. He wrote the famous book called "The Jungle" it was about the meat packing industry . The book uncovered the truth about the industry and how they would sell unsanitary meat that has been exposed to germs and other bacteria also they would sell the meat that was expired. The jungle was important to the progressive era because it showed the people what the meat companies are acaully doing to the meat. The book led to the creation of the Meat Inspection Act.
  • Charles Evans Hughes

    Charles Evans Hughes
    Chalres was a strong supporters of the Progressive Movement. He was the governer of New York. While he was govener he was credited more regulatory control over businesses and the expansion of the government welfare programs for the poor. He also had a big impact on the political corruption such as the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Dug act.
  • Social Justice Reform

    Social Justice Reform
    The National Association for the Advancement of Colord People (NAACP) is an orginaztion formed in 1909 and sought for equality among races.During the Progressive Era there was still a lot of hatred between the African Americans and the whites. The African Americans were being treated by segregation and this group was brought together to try to stop the segregation.
  • Hiram Johnson

    Hiram Johnson
    Johnson was a strong suppoter of the Progressive Movement . In 1910 Johnson won the Gubernational election as a meber of the Lincoln-Roosevelt league which was a liberal republican movement running on an anti-southern Pacific Raildroad platform . Johnson had a key impact on the establishment of railroad commission to regulate the power of the Southern Pacfic railraod.
  • H.G. Wells

    H.G. Wells
    He was a well know author that wrote many ariticles during the Progressive Era supporting the pricliples of democracy. One of the articles he wrote is The Great State.
  • 17th Amendment

    The 17th Amendment changed the way U.S. Senators were chosen. Before they were apointed by state legators which were sometimes controled by wealthy correpatism heads. Now the senators are choosen by the popular vote. This amendemnt gave people more say in the government.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson was the Democrat representative in the 1912 election.He belived in attacking large concentrations of power to give greater freedom to the average citizens. He had two major antitrust measures. The Clayton Antitrust Act 1914, which prohibited corporations aquring the stock of another. The second was the Federal Trade Commission. This was important to progressivism becaaue it gave the averge people more power and less control of the big buisnesses.
  • Jane Adams

    Jane Adams
    Jane Addams was involved in the Womens Peace Party and was elected national chairsmain in 1915. She also was elected president of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom. Jane Addams was one the main voices that was trying to get women to have more of a say in the governemnt and also in the working field. She inspired many women to try to get the word out that they were tired of not being able to be heard.
  • Business Reform

    Business Reform
    The Federal Trade Commission was an agency that was given the power to investigate possible violations of regualting statuses to require periodic reports from corpoations and to put an end to the unfair business practices. This changed the buisness field becuase before this businesses could do anything they wanted without the fear of someone coming in and shutiing them down but thanks to the new Trade commison they have to do everything by the book and stop all unfair business practices.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    This amendment allows congress to leavy an income tax. The amendment was important to the Progressive Era becuase it forced the rich and powerful families to contribute more money to help run the federal governemnt.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This amdendmet declared the stoppage of production,transport and sale of alcohol illgeal. This was good and bad for Progressivism. It was bad becuase it angered the men of the U.S and forced them to make their own homemade alcohol and sell it illegally and that was not good for the economy. This amendment was also good becuase it kept the men at home caring to their family and not spending their entire pay chack at the saloon.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th Amendment granted the women the right to vote. This was huge for progressivism because women were trying to gain the right to vote for many many years and when it was finally aloun, it made them feel like they were now making their voices heard. It gave women more power in society