
Progression to World War I

By izsaf
  • Creation of the Triple Alliance

    Creation of the Triple Alliance
    The Triple Alliance was an alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy, and was there for all of them to assist each other when a war starts. Originally in 1879 Bismark formed the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary, but three years later, Italy joined, creating the Triple Alliance. Its involvement with the start of the war was due to the fact that when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and then Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary, Germany declared war on Russia.
  • Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II

    Rise of Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Wilhelm II, who had been made ruler of Germany two years earlier, forces Bismarck to resign. He was eager to show how powerful Germany was to the rest of the world, and did not want to share power with anyone. This was important to the start of WWI as he let Germany’s treaty with Russia lapse in 1890, and in response, Russia made an alliance with France.
  • Alliance of Russia and France

    Alliance of Russia and France
    After Wilhelm II let the treaty between Russia and Germany lapse, Russia responded by making an alliance with France. This alliance meant that if someone declared war on France or Russia, the other would come to their aid. It was important to the start of WWI as it meant that Germany would have to fight a two-front war, and also when one country had war declared on them, another would join, continuing the cascade of countries declaring war on each other.
  • European Arms Race/Militarism

    European Arms Race/Militarism
    From 1900 to 1914, an arms race took place between the European countries, with each building up their armies for what would be a coming war. This, the glorifying of military power and the holding of an army ready for war is called militarism. This gave citizens of these countries a strong feeling of nationalism, a deep devotion to one’s country. This was important as these armies fought the war, and this nationalism and militarism was what started the war.
  • Creation of the Triple Entente

    Creation of the Triple Entente
    Great Britain makes an entente with both France and Russia, forming the Triple Entente, being the other alliance in WWI. Though the alliance meant that Great Britain wouldn’t necessarily come to the aid of France or Russia if war were declared on either, but would make sure that they wouldn't fight either of them. This helped cause WWI as it had formed the other side of alliances, and also when France was invaded, Great Britain did come to their aid in order to get the Germans out of Belgium.
  • Austria Annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Austria Annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina
    These areas annexed had large slavic populations, which made Serbian officials angry. These Serbian leaders had wanted these provinces for themselves, causing tensions to rise between Austria-Hungary and Serbia to rise. This was important to the start of WWI as it increased the already high tensions in Europe.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The Archduke, heir to the throne in Austria-Hungary, and his wife Sophie paid a visit to Sarajevo in Bosnia. While they rode through the streets in an open car, they were shot at point-blank range by 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian extremist group. It is important to the start of WWI as it is what causes Austria-Hungary to give Serbia an ultimatum, causing the first declaration of war in WWI.
  • The first declaration of war

    The first declaration of war
    On July 23, Serbia agreed to some of the terms of the ultimatum, and offered to have others settled by an international conference. On July 28, Austria rejected the offer, and declared war on Serbia. This was important to the start of WWI as it is the start to WWI, and was followed by Russia declaring war on Austria-Hungary.
  • Great Britain declares war on Germany

    Great Britain declares war on Germany
    By now, Germany had already declared war on Russia on the first of August, followed by declaring war on France just two days later. Great Britain followed this up by declaring war on Germany soon after. This was important to WWI as it was the point where most countries in Europe were locked in a war.
  • The battle lines are drawn - Central Powers and Allie

    The battle lines are drawn - Central Powers and Allie
    The battle lines have been drawn by now, with Germany and Austria-Hungary making up one side, the Central Powers. The other side, the Allies or Allied Powers was made up of Russia, France, and Great Britain, with Japan joining weeks after. Italy left the Triple Alliance later, joining the Allied Powers.