Creation of the Triple Alliance
The Triple Alliance was an alliancebetween Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Bismark thought France wanted revenge for its defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, and was a threat to peace. Bismark wanted to isolate Frace, and Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria- Hungary. After Italy join and created the Triple Aliance. -
Rise of Kaiser Wilhem II
Kaiser Wilhelm II earlier had become ruler of Germany and forced Bismark to resign. He did not wish to share power with anyone and was very stubborn. Wilhelm wanted to show the world just how mighty Germany had become. -
European Arms Race/Militarism
The nations thought Europe needed to have a powerful military. Soon after the Great Powers had large standing armies, except Britain. Most experts encouraged everyone to to mobilize quickly in case of war. Militarism is glorifying military power, buildingup armed forces, and getting ready for war. Citizens felt more patriotic when having a large and strong standing army. Milatarism scared and concerned some people. -
Alliance of Russia and Frace
Wilhelm let his nation’s treaty with Russia and formed a defensive military alliance with France. Soon after the the Triple Entente was formed. -
Creation of the Triple Alliance
After he began a shipbuilding program, to make the German navy equal to that of the British fleet. This caused Great Britian to form an alliance with France. Finally Britian made another alliance, this time with both France and Russia. Great Britain, France, and Russia were all an allies (members of the same alliance), later Japan and Italy joined. -
Austria Annexing Bosnia and Haerzegovina
This event caused a lot of tension between Serbia and Austria. The Serbs promised ot take control over these countries. This triggered the Austrians to promise to defeat them in their efforts. This event was important because it added to the building tension between many countries -
the First Declaration of War
Serbia refused to comply with Austria's demands., thereofre Austria declares war on Serbia. Russia later declares war on Austria. -
The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
In 1914, Archduke Ferdinand, and his wife paid a state visit to the capital of Bosnia.They were shot when they were riding through the streets of Sarajevo in an open car. Since the assassin was a Serbian, Austria decided to used the murder as a way to punish Serbia. Serbia received numerous demands from Austria after this event. Serbia knew that powerful Austia would declare war if they were to refuse. Serbian leaders agreed to most of Austria’s demands. -
Great Britain Declares War on Germany
This event was important because much of Europe was now locked in battle. Also there were two of the major powers in Europe at the time. -
The Battle Lines are Drawn
Many partnerships and accosiations were formed and were an important part throughout World War 1. France, Russia, Great Britain, and soon after Japan and Italy formed an alliance . In addition, Germany and Austria Hungary formed an Alliance. Most countries had nationalism, which is having pride in your country. Also Germany and Austria-Hungary were known as the Central Powers because of their location in the heart of Europe.