Presidential Election
Roosevelt decieded to run for reelection after a two year presidency. Roosevelt's Republican opponent, a public utilities exxecutive was named Wendell Willkie. Although they both promised to keep the nation out of war, there werent many differences so people went with who they knew the best. Roosevelt was reelected with nearly 55 percent of the votes. -
Axis Powers
Americans were jolted by the news the Germany, Italy, and Japan had signed a mutual defense treaty, the Tripartite Pact. Rosevelt persuaded Congress to pass "Cash and Cary" provision that allowed warring nations to buy U.S. arms as long as they paid cash and transportated them in their own ships. -
March 1941
Congress passes the Lend-Lease Act. Congress offers to loan weapons to the allies. -
June 1941 Germany Invades Soviet Union
Germany invades Soviet Union. Roosevelt orders U.S. Navy to protect lead-lease shipments. -
August 1941 Signing of Atlantic Charter
The Atlantic Charter- Churchill hoped for military commitment, but he settled for a joint decleration of war aims, called the Alantic Charter.
Both countries pledged the following: Collective security, Disarmament, self determonation, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas. -
September 1941 Shoot on Sight Policy
Shoot On Sight- German submarine fired on the U.S. destroyer Greer. Roosevelt ordered navy commanders to shoot the German submarines on sight. Two weeks later, the pink star an amaerican merchant ship, was sunk in Greenland. -
December 1941 Pearl Harbor
Japanesse attack on Pearl Harbor! Hawaii, U.S. U.S. declares War. Lasted an hour & a half. 2430 people killed! Surprise attack by Japan. Why? 1. Oil embargo 2. Eastern dominance. When; December 7th 1941 "a date that will live in infomy" Officially brings the U.S. in to war.