September 1940
On September 27th of 1940. Axis Power was Germany, Italy and Japan signed a mutal defense treaty. The Tripartite Pact. Americans were jolted when they heard it on the news. -
!940 President Election
Roosevelt decided to run for President breaking the two-year term. He ran against Wilkie. Both presidents promised to keep America out of war. Roosevelt was reelected w/nearly 55% od the voters cast. -
March 1941
Isolationist argured about this Act but, Americans favored it. Rooselevt compared his plan to leading a garden hose to a neighbor whose house was on fire. he said it is the only sensible thing to do so it wont spread to your property/ -
June 1941
Hitler had broken the promise not go to war, and invade the Soviet Union. Rooselvelt send lend-lease supplies to the Soviet Union because of Hitler.Some Americans opposed providing aid to Stalin -
August 1941
Draw up the Alantic charger. List of peace objectives. Plefge the following; Collective security, disarmament, self-determinaton, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas. -
September 1941
President Roosevelt granted Navy permission for U.S. warships to attack German U-boats, in self-defence. Contained by electronic detection techniques (radar) by 1943. -
December 1941
Hawaii, US. Attack on Pearl Habor, by Japan. Japense attack the largest U.S. naval base in the Pacific. It was a suprise attack. More than 180 Japanese warplanes launched from six aircraft carriers. Lasted an hour and a half. The last ariplane flew off around 9:30 a.m.
"A date that will live in infany" Over 2,000 and over 1,000 injuries. They were attacked because of oil embargo, and eastern dominance. *Offically brings us into WW2
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