
Progression of spacecraft

  • The first space craft.

    The first space craft.
    The Soviet Union's Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957. This was the first spacecraft launched.
  • The first man to enter space

    The first man to enter space
    The first man, known as Yuri Gagarin, entered space and traveled around Earth at the speed of 17,025 mph.
  • One of Nasa's most helpful encourages.

    President John F. Kennedy began a dramatic expansion for NASA and committed the nation to the goal of landing a man on the Moon by the end of the decade.
  • First men to walk on the moon

    First men to walk on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first of 12 humans who walked on the Moon.
  • First rover sent to Mars

    First rover sent to Mars
    the Mars Pathfinder was launched into space. The Mars Pathfinder was the first rover ever built and ever sent to Mars.
  • The Mars Pathfinder success

    The Mars Pathfinder finally landed on Mars after 7 months of flying through space. The Mars Pathfinder was only supposed to last a couple days but ended up lasting 9 months. this was a big success for NASA so they continued their success with the Curiosity rover.
  • The launch of a car sized rover

    The launch of a car sized rover
    On November 26, 2011 the car sized rover named Curiosity was launched into space.
  • Curiosity's success

    Curiosity landed on Mars. This rover still is active to this day.