
Progress Rooted In Ancient Greece - Phidias

  • Dec 14, 1378

    Lorenzo Ghiberti

    Lorenzo Ghiberti
    Lorenzo Ghiberti was an Italian Renaissance sculptor. He is mostly known for sculpting the Gates of Paradise, which were made for the Baptistery of the cathedral of Florence. He also wrote about theory and history of art during his time period. Phidias could have been an influence to Lorenzo Ghiberti because Phidias was also a well-known sculptor in his own time period.
  • Dec 14, 1400

    Lorenzo Ghiberti (Continued)

    Lorenzo Ghiberti (Continued)
    Ghiberti could have been inspired by Phidia’s artwork and the detail he applied to his work when creating the God’s sculptures and the Parthenon. Ghiberti probably used that inspiration to sculpt detail on the Gates of Paradise. Both Phidias and Ghiberti were known for making famous statues. Phidias sculpted Athena and Zeus, and Ghiberti sculpted three bronze statues for Or San Michele. Phidias and Ghiberti’s artwork were both amazing and inspiring, even though they came from different periods.
  • Fransico de Goya

    Fransico de Goya
    Francisco de Goya was a famous painter from Spain. He began painting portraits of nobles in the Spanish royal court. From there he started creating art work that displayed and criticized the social and political problems during his time period. Francisco de Goya was very well known for his detailed pictures. He was able to capture the smallest elements of people’s faces and clothing while painting them.
  • Fransico de Goya (Continued 1)

    Fransico de Goya (Continued 1)
    He was also well known for his etchings that showed the horrors of war, and his painting The Third of May which showed the human costs of war. Goya can be connected to Lorenzo Ghiberti because they both depicted things happening in their time period, Goya using painting to show these things and Ghiberti using literature. Francisco de Goya can also be connected to Phidias because they both created items that would help people in the future understand how their time periods were in the past.
  • Francisco de Goya (Continued 2)

    Francisco de Goya (Continued 2)
    With Goya’s painting, people in the future can assume how bad the wars were back then and how drastic life in his time period was. With Phidias’s sculptures, people in the future can conclude how much the Greeks depended on the Gods and how they worshipped and thanked them through temples and statues.
  • Fernando Botero

    Fernando Botero
    Fernando Botero was a Colombian painter known for his paintings and sculptures. He can connect to artist Francisco de Goya because when he was growing up, Goya was one of his greatest inspirations and idols. Both Goya and Botero created Spanish art and showed political murals of their time periods through their artwork. Also, both Goya and Botero painted pictures that showed the violence and political roles of humans in their separate time periods.
  • Fernando Botero (Continued 1)

    Fernando Botero (Continued 1)
    . Botero painted the “Abu Ghraib” series which showed American military forces during the Iraq War abusing prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison. Fernando Botero is very well known for his paintings with oversized people and objects. Sometimes the things depicted in his artwork as oversized are to amuse the viewer or make them realize how not everything in life can be the perfect size or way.
  • Fernando Botero (Continued 2)

    Fernando Botero (Continued 2)
    Fernando Botero can relate to Phidias because Botero also created sculptures like Phidias did which represented the different types of artwork on their time periods.
  • Phidias

    Phidias was an ancient Greek sculpture whose work greatly benefited the Greek's appreciation for artwork. He is well known for sculpting Athena and overseeing the construction of the Parthenon. Phidias also sculpted Zeus for his temple on Olympia. He has been credited with creating most of the Parthenon structures, and his artwork has been depicted on numerous Greek artifacts.