Progress and Decline of Canada in 1914-1929

By eshim2
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand✒️

    Assassination of Franz  Ferdinand✒️
    The event that ultimately started WWI.
  • Declaration of the War Measures Act★

    Declaration of the War Measures Act★
    An act meant to protect but instead violated human rights.
  • Second Battle of Ypres★

    Many casualties, but it was the first major battle Canadian troops fought in during WWI.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge★

    Germans surrendered, but there were many deaths.
  • Halifax Explosion $

    Halifax Explosion $
    Devastating explosions when two ships collided.
  • Canada's 100 Days $

    Canada's 100 Days $
    Canada's contribution in the final 100 days of the war.
  • Agnes Macphail - Elected into Federal Parliament✒️

    Agnes Macphail - Elected into Federal Parliament✒️
    She earned a seat at the House of Commons and broke many gender-biased rules.
  • Fredrick Banting and the discovery of insulin $

    Fredrick Banting and the discovery of insulin $
    Huge medical discovery. Saved many lives.
  • Chinese Immigration Act★

    Chinese Immigration Act★
    A law prohibiting Chinese to enter the country.
  • The Persons Case★

    The Persons Case★
    Establish women as persons by law and gave then rights.