Progress and Decline in Canada from 1929-1945

By yasmen
  • October 29, 1929 Stock Market Crash

    October 29, 1929 Stock Market Crash
    On October 29 the stock market hit the all time low. Families were left unemployed. The last resort to survive for many was to sell all they owned. Large companies went under because nobody had money to invest in their company. Personal debt became overwhelming for nearly everyone that some found that taking their own life was the only way out. This event was a decline because it ruined the lives of many people and triggered poverty for the whole 1930's
  • 1931 Relief Policy

    1931 Relief Policy
    People of Canada were struggling to make ends meet. The government developed a relief policy for men that needed to provide for their family. In order to be eligible for the relief though,liquor,cars,and telephones had to be overturned and given away by the family. This left people with very little leisure and was very humiliating for people using the relief policy. The relief policy despite some problems was a good thing as people didn't go hungry and could now meet their daily needs.
  • September 10, 1939 Canada declares war

    September 10, 1939 Canada declares war
    On 1935 the Nazi Party of Germany, led by Adolf Hitler started taking land back they felt was rightfully theirs. Germany took Rhineland,Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.They invaded Poland and now the other lands knew they had taken it too far. Britain and France declared war and a week later Canada did as well. This was a huge moment for Canada as it was the first time declaring independent of Britain. This showed that we were going to stand up for ourselves and fight back against evil Nazi rule.
  • Women 1941

    Women 1941
    Women were finally seen shoulder to shoulder with men in the public eye. Due to the lack of men the women had to go back to work, producing supplies for war. This is amazing progress because women were finally seen equal to men. This would have been a dream to the women who worked during the first world war. This is historically significant because in the potential that women have was finally being recognized and used with encouragement.
  • Japanese Internment 1942

    Japanese Internment 1942
    The Canadian government had put the Japanese Canadians in interment camps. they'd knock on their doors and tell them to take what they can and leave. The government had sold their properties and they used that money to fund the camps. This is an example of decline, this would ruin Canada's reputation to the Japanese. This would lead a drop in population, and lowered immigration rate from Japan. This is Historically Significant because Canada had negatively affected a fourth of their population.
  • December 20-28, 1943 Battle of Ortona

    December 20-28, 1943 Battle of Ortona
    The Canadians and Germans met at the ancient village of Ortona, and the battle absolutely destroyed the area. Daily clashes occurred between the two sides and snipers, booby traps and land mines were used continuously as weapons. For the Canadians, Ortona was the deadliest battle of the Italian Campaign. Fortunately Ortona also resulted in a Canadian victory. This battle helped strengthen the allies and was influential in taking over Italy.
  • D-Day June 6, 1944

    D-Day  June 6, 1944
    The Canadians landed on Juno Beach and took the over the beaches in 75 days. This invasion led to a line of success for the allies as they showed their power as they worked together in the war. Canada represented it's bravery as it played a huge role in the invasion and provided many ships of the Royal Canadian Navy to be used in the raid. Although many died, D-Day blazed the trail for an Ally victory in the war, the end to Nazi Germany and the development of Canada as a world power.
  • The Holocaust 1933-1945

    The Holocaust 1933-1945
    During World Warll, Canada had accepted fewer than 4000 Jewish immigrants. Some Canadians didn't like the idea of immigrants coming to Canada, afraid of losing their job to them. By the end of the war, Canada had realized their mistake and what the Nazi Germans had done.They allowed Jewish refugees to enter Canada after the war. If any of the countries had sympathy for the Jews, the number of deaths would have been extremely lower and the destruction the Nazis had done would have been way less.