Programming Languages Timeline

By nth0610
  • Plankalkul

    Made by Konrad Zuse for engineering purposes for computer programmers.
  • FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)

    Made by programmers led by John Backus. It was made to allow easy translation of math formulas into code.

    Made by team led by Charles Katz under direction of Grace Hopper. It was business-oriented language and had algebraic expressions.
  • Lisp (List Processing)

    Invented by John McCarthy that was made for easy manipulation of data strings.
  • COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)

    Made by Conference on Data Systems Languages. It was meant to be user-friendly business computer software program.
  • RPG (Report Program Generator)

    Invented by IBM for business application and to replicate punched card processing.
  • BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

    Made by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. It was made to enable students in fields beside science and math to be able to use computers.
  • LOGO

    Made by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon. It was used for generation basic shapes using a turtle cursor.
  • B

    Invented by Ken Thompson. It was designed to use on Multics.
  • PASCAL( Programme d'Aide aux Sciences et aux Langues)

    Made by Niclaus Wirth, mostly made to teach programming techniques.
  • C

    Developed by Dennis Ritchie to create utilities running on Unix.
  • ML (Meta Language)

    Made by Robin Milner for the polymorphic Hindley Milner Type System, without requiring explicit type annotations.
  • SQL (Standardized query language)

    Invented by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. It was the standard language for relational database management systems.
  • ADA

    Made by Jean Ichbiah. It was modeled after Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was made for an equal opportunity law for people with disabilities.
  • C++

    Made by Bjarne Stroustrup. It was meant to add object oriented programming into the C language.
  • Python

    Made by Guido van Rossum to do things like testing microchips at Intel, to power Instagram, or to build video games.
  • Visual Basic

    Introduced by Alan Cooper to connect the programming language to the graphical user interface is derived from a system called Tripod.
  • PHP (Personal Home Page)

    Invented by Rasmus Lerdorf. It was a general purpose language meant to be a server side web development to create dynamic web page content or dynamic images.
  • Delphi

    It was invented by Anders Hejlsberg to support object-oriented design. It was for rapid application development o deesktop, mobile and console software.
  • JAVA

    Made by James Gosling and it was initially for Sun Microsystems' Java Platform.
  • Javascript

    Designed by Brendan Eich to be a programming language for the Netscape browser.