Plankalkül was the first high-level programming language to be designed for a computer. Its purpose was designed for engineering. Its developers are Konrad Zuse. -
MATH-MATIC is an early programming language used mainly for the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. MATH-MATIC could contain numeric exponents, including decimals and fractions. Its developers were Remington Rand. -
Lisp is a group of different computer languages with fully parenthesized prefix notation. It is the 2nd oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today. Its developers were Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin. Its purpose was mainly for easy manipulation of data strings. -
RPG or (Report Program Generator) is an IBM proprietary programming language mainly used for report-building program used in DEC and IBM minicomputer operating systems. -
BASIC, which means (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), was a family of high-level programming languages made for easy use. Designed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. -
LOGO is an educational programming language used for functional programming, and is used for generating basic shapes using a turtle cursor. Its developers were Bolt, Beranek and Newman. -
A programming language used for non-numeric applications such as system programming. It was designed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. -
PASCAL is a imperative and procedural programming language, maily used for small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices. Its developers were Niklaus Wirth. -
ML or (Standard Meta Language) is a general-purpose, modular, functional programming language used for compiler writers and programming language researchers, as well as in the development of theorem provers. It was developed by Robin Milner. -
A high level computer programming language which was designed by Jean Ichbiah and S. Tucker Taft. It was mainly used for support for design-by-contract, extremely strong typing and explicit concurrency tasks. -
Delphi or (IDE), is a extension to the Pascal programming language that provides object-oriented features such as classes and methods. It was originally developed by Apple Computer. -
COBOL is a compiled English-like computer programming language designed for business usage, so it was used for for companies and governments. Originally developed by CODASYL, ANSI, ISO. -
Python i a high level programming language known for its notable use of significant whitespace. Its purpose was mainly for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Its developers are Guido van Rossum. -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic is a third-generation programming language from Microsoft for its Component Object Model (COM) programming model. Its purpose was mainly to create software interface and codes in an easy to use graphical environment. Its developers are Microsoft. -
PHP or (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a general purpose programming language originally designed for web development. Its developers are -
Java is a programming language that developers use to create applications on your computer. Such s games, programs, and applications. it was developed by Sun Microsystems. -
Javascript or (JS) is a high-level, interpreted scripting language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. Its purpose was designed for web users. Its developers are Netscape Communications Corporation, Mozilla Foundation, Ecma International. -
SQL pronounced (ess-que-el) was used for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with a database. Its a standard language for relational database management systems. Its developers are ISO/IEC. -
C++ is a sophisticated, efficient and a general-purpose programming language designed by Bjarne Stroustrup. Its purpose was to allow procedural programming for intensive functions of CPU. -
C for (si), was a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language designed for supporting structured programming and lexical variable scope. Created by Dennis Ritchie. -
Fortran or (fɔːrtræn) is a compiled imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation. Fortran was designed for scientists and engineers. It was developed by John Backus and IBM.