Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Developed by Konrad Zuse this was the first full-fledged copmuter programming language.
  • Lisp

    John McCarthy of MIT created Lisp so that he could process lists of data for an AI project

    Math-matic was released by the Rand Corporation

    Short for Common Business Oriented Language and was developed by the Conference on Data Systems Languages
  • Fortran

    Fortran was released by IBM and it provided support for procedural programming
  • RPG

    Developed by IBM and stands for Report Program Generator

    BASIC is an acronym meaning Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code and was created by John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtzas
  • LOGO

    LOGO was developed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon to advance an AI project at MIT
  • B

    B was developed by AT&T for system development.
  • Pascal

    Designed by Prof. Niklaus Wirth and was a direct evolution of Algol
  • C

    C was a build off of the programming language B, by Dennis M. Ritchie, but now it was able to use Data types
  • ML

    Developed by Robin Milner it was the first language with a polymorphic type system
  • C++

    Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ by taking C then adding object oriented programming to it
  • SQL

    SQL was designed by IBM to be used to store, manage, and query data and stands for Structured Query Language
  • ADA

    ADA was designed by a team led by Jean Ichbiah who was designing amore streamlined language for the US Department of Defense
  • Python

    Developed by CWI, Python was a direct build off of the language ABC
  • Visual Basic

    Developed by Tripod but later sold to Microsoft
  • PHP

    Rasmus Lerdorf created this language to track visits to his online resume
  • Delphi

    Developed by Borland to be able to build applications
  • Java

    Java was developed by "The Green Team" and was originally designed for use on televisions
  • Javascript

    Netscape Communications Corporation developed Javascript so that they could build a web browser to overcome the popular Mosaic browser