Programming Languages Timeline


    FORTRAN is one of the most oldest programing languages also considered as a high level programing language,
  • COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)

    COBOL means Common Business Oriented Language basically made for buisnesses.
  • C Programing Language

    is a very strong and powerful programing language.
  • B programing language

    Similar to Assembly Programing language but much easier to write.
  • ADA

    Its a modern language also known as ADA 83 named after Ada byron Lovelace. The original program was created in the early 1980's
  • C++ Programming

    This programing language is responnsible for sounds like bells

    A program designed for windows 1995
  • JAVA

    A high level programing language you see in almost every computer.
  • Basic Programing Language

    A easy programing for a beginner in programing,