2005 BCE
UML is a standard object-oriented language, established at the end of the last century for designing large and complex sofware systems: by simply drawing the structure and the relations between classes. -
2000 BCE
C# is a more recent alternative to JAVA, and is the language on which Microsoft's. -
Period: 2000 BCE to 2017 BCE
The trend towards the programming of Web distributed applications has become increasingly more consolidated. Since the first half of the previous decade, programmers have had to integrated thousands of applications written in various language to be run on different operating systems. -
1997 BCE
A metalanguage apparently similar to HTML, XML shiws an essential difference: while HTML only describes the way data has to be displayed, XML illustrates its structure. -
1995 BCE
Enhanced by an IDE environment, DELPHI is a programming language derived from TurboPascal and Object Pascal. -
1995 BCE
Designed primarily for Internet applications and with a syntax similar to that of C++, JAVA is one of the most popular object languages, its main characteristic being its platform independence. -
1991 BCE
The first released of Microsoft's event based language took place in this year. It later became a true IDE environment, enriched with object functionalities. -
1991 BCE
PYTHON took its name from the Monty Python TV series: initially it was a simple interactive scripting language, often compared to PERL, but is successively evolved into an agile, well structured object language -
Period: 1990 BCE to 1999 BCE
In this decade, besides the continuous improvement in SQL-based languages, due to the progressive spread of dynamic relational databases RDBMS, is a new languages for scripting and Web programming imposed themselves. -
1989 BCE
With the coming of Web technologies, HTML was made available. Although its limitations prevent us from considering it to be a fully fledged language. -
1988 BCE
The first language for the rapid development of graphical interfaces: TCL is the module containing command scripts. -
1986 BCE
SQL Languages
Thanks to its English syntax, simple but very powerful, and to the integration with other programming tools, SQL is presently the most popular of all non procedural languages. -
1986 BCE
Dedicated to the engineer who designed the world famous tower in 1887, Eiffel was another object language, the only one to implement the design-by-contract paradigm. -
1986 BCE
Developed as the result of improvements made in a few of the Unix operating system's utilities, PERL is still one of the most popular sciptim languages. -
1983 BCE
Already designed in 1977 for military purposes and dedicated to Lady Ada Augusta Byron Lovelace, the first female programmer, ADA is a very specialised object language, conceived for application where reliability and security were vital, in terms of human life and financial costs. -
1983 BCE
Standardised in 1988, C++ Is a very powerfull language, which became well-known in the 1990s. Developed as the object version of the C language, C++ extended its sintax and shared many libraries, thereby making the code more easily reusable. -
Period: 1980 BCE to 1989 BCE
This decade was marked by the development of non procedural languages: functional, logical and data oriented. Many existing languages were adapted for object programming, giving rise to the so-called hybrid object languages, which would significantly affect the next decade. -
1972 BCE
Created primarily for the scientific world by Dennis Ritchie, C got its name from a previous B language. Very soon, C distinguished itself from its forerunners because it implemented a wide range of data types. -
1972 BCE
French pioneer of declarative languages, PROLOG is based on logical programming : especially suitable for applications of artificial intelligence and for solving problems. -
1971 BCE
Pascal was coinceived to simplify the teaching of programming rules and techniques, also suppling functionalities which were missing or poorly implemented in other languages at that time. -
1970 BCE
Smalltalk is the most prominent of the pure object languages. -
Period: 1970 BCE to 1979 BCE
Along with PASCAL and C, a new programming concept emerged in these years amid the classical imperative languages, giving birth to object programming. -
1964 BCE
Developed in the academic environment as a general algorithmic language,was not adressed to any specific purpose. -
1964 BCE
The first example of a non specialised language, therefore exploitable in any application area. -
1961 BCE
In 1961 IBM introduced the "utility" RPG for building reports and forms: the name itself outlines the fact that RPG was created to satisfy business requirements. -
1960 BCE
The frist version of COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language), was released in 1960. This language was conceived to solve data management problems, and in is still used for accounting and trading applications, since it can organise and manipulate large amounds of data. -
1960 BCE
Developed as an extension of Fortran,LISP is the ancestor of functional languages for the manipulation of symbolic expressions and data in tree structures, forming the base for artificial intelligence language development. -
1960 BCE
A contraction of ALGOrithmic Language,ALGOL got it's name from the process that defines programming problems , and is recognised as the first languages made up of delimited blocks, an innovation that was later adopted by PASCAL. -
Period: 1960 BCE to 1969 BCE
During the previous decade, spurred on by the increasing demands of industry, computer scientist realised that writing code in assembly was a slow and difficult process; they also became aware of the drawbacks and problems involved is using and maintaining a program just for a single type of CPU. -
1957 BCE
The sixties is the decade of fortran ( FORmula TRANslator), the prototype of procedular languages. -
1950 BCE
In assembly-type languages, the sequences of bits of the machine code are made readable by replacing values with mnemonic symbols that programmers can remember more easily. -
Period: 1950 BCE to 1959 BCE
Unfortunately such complex procedures can easily lead to errors being made. So, one of first improvements was the introduction of a human-readable notation of machine language, called ASSEMBLY.