Programming Inventions

By gn111
  • Drebbel's Temperature Regulator

    Drebbel's Temperature Regulator
  • Jacquard's Loom

    Jacquard's Loom
  • Charles Babbage invents the Analytical Engine

    Charles Babbage invents the Analytical Engine
  • Electricity is sent to America

    Electricity is sent to America
  • The first electronic computer is built

    The first electronic computer is built
  • Devol's Programmable Robot Arm

    Devol's Programmable Robot Arm
  • Unimate. The first Industrial Robot

    Unimate. The first Industrial Robot
  • UNISURF, a CAD/CAM system

    UNISURF, a CAD/CAM system
  • Shakey, a mobile robot

    Shakey, a mobile robot
  • Lunokhod 1, a rover sent to the moon

    Lunokhod 1, a rover sent to the moon
  • The Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SMRS or Canadarm)

    The Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SMRS or Canadarm)
  • Introduction of PC to homes and offices

    Introduction of PC to homes and offices
    and the development of software such as design packages
  • The robotic vacuum cleaner - Roomba

    The robotic vacuum cleaner - Roomba
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
  • Centibots, teams of autonomous robots

    Centibots, teams of autonomous robots
  • HUBO, a mobile robot

    HUBO, a mobile robot
  • Siri
