Filmimg day Part 1
We will start filming at 13:15 at Shoreditch High Street. The equipment that we will need: a tripod, a personal camera (Nikon d3200). -
Filming Day Part 2
We will start filming at 9:00am at Shoreditch High Street and Quaker street. The equipment that we will need: a tripod, a personal camera (Nikon d3200). -
Filming Day Part 3
We wil be filming at 13:15 and this day we be the last day of filming. The location we will be at Shoreditch High Street and Quaker Street. We will be re-filming bits that need to re-done. -
Editing Day Part 1
At 11:00am we will be editing what we filmed. This day we will be laying out the basics for further editing.