Production Outline

  • Planning and Pitch Planning

    Here we are discussing what our ideas of the filming what ideas we would want to do .
  • Pitch Planning

    Here we as a group are preparing our pitch of our films and how we will present our ideas and what we need to consider to make our opeing scene success ; this will be presented to a plan of judges , techniations and the rest of our class peers.
  • Pitch

    this is our final pitc where we will present the ideas and plans for our own opening , which we have been planning for .
  • Making any changes after pitch ( feedback)

    here after pitch , anything that we feel could be imporved or changed from our ideas and plans we will change ; also here we will hopefully revice some feeback about our pitch to help improve our ideas
  • Period: to

    Half Term- Filming

    As between these dates , we have half term ; we decided to use this to our advantage to begin to film our opening scene
  • Filming / Editing

    By this date , we would have hopefully managed to finish filming our opening scene and begin to start editing our shots and putting them together , if this is not the case we will carr on filming for a bit to enhance any shots we dont particulary like
  • Period: to


    Here from these dates : 28th feb , 4th , 7th and 11th March we will be editing
  • Rough Draft

    Here we would have finished editing , in a sense that we have placed the shots in what order we want them to be in without any effects included ; this date is where we need to have a rough copy
  • Deadline for opening scene

    By this date ; we should have finished our everyting and our opening scene should be doe .