Meeting 1
-Initial Ideas Brainstorm
-3 songs found -
Meeting 2
-Gave feedback and chose videos -
Meeting 3
-Class Pitch with feedback received
-Ideas filtered and processed
-Decision on 'Stay' song. -
Meeting 4
-Lyric Timeline roughly created by marking all of my ideas next to a place in the song -
Meeting 5
-Lyrics Timeline Completed -
Meeting 6
-Stealomatic ideas started -
Meeting 7
-Editing began on stealomatic -
Meeting 8
-Stealomatic Finished -
Meeting 9
-Storyboard initial ideas started taking inspiration from my stealomatic creation -
Meeting 10
-Storyboard for music video expanded and an ordered sequence began to show. -
Meeting 11
-Ideas discussed today for potential artists to use for the music video -
Meeting 12
-Lip Sync task of potential artist completed. Feedback was received today as well and the artist was confirmed for the shoot. -
Meeting 13
-Photos taken of the artist for the album art and website. -
Meeting 14
-Photos from the shoot were taken, screened, and edited in 3 different styles. A vibrant colourful profile, more of a muted tone and black and white for each image. So i could compare the styles and see which would best suit the artist and her image. -
Meeting 15
-Digipak research started collating ideas from artist of the same genre -
Meeting 16
-Digipak research presented and uploaded to blog -
Meeting 17
Student video marking and giving grade was completed in todays lesson -
Meeting 18
-Website research started and collated onto a powerpoint
-Uploaded to blog -
Meeting 19
-Storyboard started -
Meeting 20
-Ideas for storyboard continued -
Meeting 21
-Storyboard voiceover recorded and started the edit for the upload -
Meeting 22
-Shooting Schedule was started and derived from the storyboard today -
Meeting 23
-First Shoot day today with Toby. Filming went well and we stuck to the shooting schedule and reviewed the footage and posted a 'Day 1' review on blogger. -
Meeting 24
Halfway evaluation editing started with the footage and the drafts of the website and the first cover of the digipak. -
Meeting 25
-Halfway Evaluation editing finished and exported.
-Uploaded to blog -
Meeting 26
-Halfway evaluation was received, evaluated and upload to blogger -
Meeting 27
-Filming day 2 with Lucy, after completion of the second shooting schedule.
-Evaluation of the shoot day uploaded to the blog -
Meeting 28
-Editing started on first draft of the music video -
Meeting 29
Editing continued today -
Meeting 30
-First draft of music video exported and uploaded -
Meeting 31
-Draft 1 construction feedback received, along with draft 1 of website and digipak feedback. -
Meeting 32
-Feedback from all media evaluation and posted on the blog with improvements listed -
Meeting 33
-Tour poster started, and finished -
Meeting 34
Editing on music video continued -
Meeting 35
Digipak completed -
Meeting 36
-Website final draft completed
-Still with final video to be uploaded to fill the place holder -
Meeting 37
-Editing Continued -
Meeting 38
-Construction Draft 2 feedback revived and evaluation from teachers and ex student -
Meeting 39
-Final Construction Completed