
Prisoner B-3087

By jd91365
  • the Letter J

    the Letter J
    Yanek and his family have to have the letter J on there pasport and have the star of david on thir clothing
  • the gettho

    the gettho
    Yanek and his family are forced to move to the getthos in poland
  • Germany invades poland

    Germany invades poland
    At 4:45 graman soliders invade poland and bomb their air fields
  • Period: to

    Prisoner B-3087

  • germany concurs denmark

    germany concurs denmark
    Germany started to concur naghboring countrise including Denmark and Norway
  • japan and america

    japan and america
    Japan and america started to get in to it with each other and Japan attacked pearl harbor
  • deportation

    the nazis started to deport Yanek by catle car
  • the first one concentration camp

    the first one concentration camp
    when Yanek is let out of the cattle car he sees that the first concintration camp is named Plaszow
  • salt mines

    salt mines
    Yanek is one of fifty to be selected to work in the wieliczka slat mines
  • mussolini regisns

    mussolini regins in italy and surrender of italy is announced
  • trzebinia

    Yanek is once agan moved to another concentration camp this one is named trzebinia
  • birkenau

    Yanek is moved again to a concentration camp named birkenau
  • Paris

    Paris is liberated from the nazi rule
  • auschwitz

    Yanek is again moved to another concentration camp named auschwitz
  • Yanek

    Yanek is moved again but this time there is no cattle car him and alot of other prisoners have to march to the next concentration camp
  • death march

    Yanek and other prisoners were moved form auschwitz to sachsenhausen