Prince of verona

  • act 1 scene 3

    During this scecne i have had enough of both the montagues and capulets so i decide to go home and rest a little.
  • act 1 scene 4

    act 1 scene 4
    During this act i wake up and decide to get something to eat but i didnt really wnant to cook so i decide ill head over to the capulets party for some grub.
  • act 2 scene 2

    on my way home i came past the bar and had to break up a bar fight between two men, Jim and Robby. verona, can't keep it under control.
  • act 1 scene 1 I

    act 1 scene 1 I
    in act 1 scene 1 I enter the fight scene and yell at all of the kids fighting and tell them if they are caught fighting again they will be put to death. I also tell capulet nto come with me and montagues come back later.
  • act 1 scene 2

    act 1 scene 2
    Lord capuklet stays and i talk to him about his people. I tell him this feud must stop soon or else it is not going to end well for either family.
  • act 1 scene 5

    During this scene i was talking with lord capulet but he had to excuse himself abruptdley for something i do not know.
  • act 2 scene 1

    act 2 scene 1
    since lord montague slips away i decide ill head back home.
  • Period: to

    romeo and juliet

  • act 2 scene 3

    it was finally monday and i was hoping for a much better day.
  • act 2 scene 4

    act 2 scene 4
    i got up and made my coffee. Had two eggs then jumped in the shower. By this time yesterday i already had a call for a fight. Relief!
  • act 2 scene 5

    i get on mybike and start to ride the streets of verona, it felt like a peaceful day, until i got onto sixth street.
  • act 3 scene 1

    I got to fifth street and what saw wasn't pretty Merctio and Tubalt dead on the streets! I asked what happened and i was told, merctuio got stabbed by tybalt, then romeo stabbed tybalt and then ran away. I was left no choice but to ban romeo from verona.
  • act 3 scene 2

    act 3 scene  2
    as i go home after banishing romeo i was in disbelief i couldn't think strait and almoat got into a crash on my way home.
  • act 3 scene 3

    act 3 scene 3
    I finally got home and still couldn't believe what happened. It started to sink in as i sat down and the one thing i was hoping was that romeo would not return.
  • act 3 scene 4

    it wasn;t a better day in fact it was the worst day this feud has gone too far but there was nothing i could do. I tried my whole life but it wasn't going anywhere.
  • act 3 scene 5

    act 3 scene 5
    I woke up made my coffee and eggs and got in the shower. I was sad.
  • act 4 scene 1

    I knew i wasn't going to be able to have a good day if i stayed in town so i decided i would take the day off and go golfing.
  • act 4 scene 2

    act 4 scene 2
    I drove to the golf course and met my friends there it was so peaceful i totally forgot about the troubles of verona.
  • act 4 scene 3

    It was the eighteenth whole and i wwas down by one and i hit a
    hole-in-one! it was a great day and i was dreading leaving and going back home but i had to do it.
  • act 4 scene 5

    I got up made my eggs and coffee the3n got in the shower.
  • act 5 scen 1

    act 5 scen 1
    when i was in the shower i was remembering the scene on fifth street and i was hoping that something would happen to make the feud end. But i knew that this was a little far fetched.
  • act 5 scene 2

    when i got out of the shower i hopped on my bike and started riding again, hoping i wouldn't see something as horrific as monday
  • act 5 scene 3

    act 5 scene 3
    it was a peaceful day i felt very relaxed and just rode my bike all day without any trouble, ate a sandwich and had a great day. I went to bed.
  • act 4 scene 4

    i woke up and had a punding head ache i was hoping my morning routine would help it out a bit.
  • act5 scene 3

    When i woke up and there was some ruckus down the street. I went sdown right away and what i saw was mind blowing, the montagues and capulets were together peacefuly becasue there kids killed themselves for one another. It was sad, but was necesarry for this town of verona to be in peace once again.