
How has ballet as an art form changed and remained the same throughout its existence?

By evajean
  • 1500

    Earliest records of ballet

    Earliest records of ballet
    Ballet as an artform dates all the way back to the 1500's, during the Italian Renaissance period. During these years, ballet was purely for noblemen and women, who would have the time and luxury to learn and perform the dances themselves as entertainment at parties.
  • 1581

    First endorsed ballet

    First endorsed ballet
    "Le Ballet Comique de la Reine", as it was called, was performed to the court of Catherine de Medicini. This dance told the story of Ulysses' escape from Circe, from Homer's "Odyssey". At this point, ballet only consisted of small jumps, slow turns and curtsies. The ballet was designed in the hopes of uniting the French people during a time when religious issues were causing many problems. The happy ending of the dance represented the hopes for the future of the country.
  • Ballet becomes more popularized

    Ballet becomes more popularized
    King Louis XIV of France had a great appreciation for ballet, and under his reign in the 1600s, it became more and more popular in France. The costumes that were worn became more detailed and ornate, and the dance became more advanced, something people would train to do as opposed to a dance performed by the masses, as it had been before.
  • Ballet de la Nuit

    Ballet de la Nuit
    King Louis XIV created his very first ballet, which lasted around 12 hours, and depicted France in a time of darkness until King Louis himself came in to play the light that saved them all.
  • First ballet academy

    First ballet academy
    King Louis XIV opened the very first ballet school, which was called the "Académie Royale de Danse". This was where, thanks to the dance teacher Pierre Beauchamp, the five positions for arms and feet, which are still used to this day.
  • Women became more prominent

    Women became more prominent
    As society started to accept that women could be performers, they started to become more prominent in ballet.
  • Ballet academy was closed

    Ballet academy was closed
    Because it was a royal institution, the Royal Ballet Academy was closed during the overthrowing of the monarchy in the French revolution, but continued to operate in secret. This put a pause on the popularization of ballet in France.
  • Introduction of the ballet costume

    Introduction of the ballet costume
    It was during the 19th century that what we now view as the traditional ballet costume was created. Many members of the public were very upset at this development, as the costumes displayed the women's ankles, which was still considered taboo at the time.
  • First use of point shoes

    First use of point shoes
    Amalia Brugnoli, and Italian ballet dancer, first introduced pointe shoes while performing Armand Vestris’ "La Fée et le Chevalier". She inspired other dancers to do the same thing, and in 1832 Marie Taglioni was the first to dance an entire ballet on pointe, while she performed "La Sylphide".
  • Period: to

    Ballet moves to Russia

    During the mid to late 1800s, ballet was spread to Russia, which became the center of ballet's growth. It was during this time period that some of the most famous ballets were created and performed, like The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, both of which were used to tell a story, and utilized the techniques we see today, such as pointe work and high extensions.
  • Ballet is brought to America

    Ballet is brought to America
    During the 1900s, ballet continued to spread to more and more countries, including America. In 1937, the American Ballet Theater was created, and was followed by the New York City Ballet.
  • The Rite Of Spring

    The Rite Of Spring
    Sergei Diaghilev and Igor Stravinsky wrote "The Rite of Spring", which received huge amounts of pushback. The storyline of this ballet included a young girl that was chosen to be a sacrifice and dances herself to death. The audience was not ready or willing to see the sad story and hear the dissonant music that was heavily featured in the ballet.
  • Ballet academy reopens

    Ballet academy reopens
    The Royal Ballet Academy, which had been closed in 1789, reopens as the Paris Opera Ballet, after operating in secret for the past 140 years.
  • Modern ballet

    Modern ballet
    Ballet in our modern world focuses more on strength and athleticism than ballet has in the past, although it maintains the traditional gracefulness that is associated with ballet. There are new ballets being written that feature newer costumes, music and stories, however many famous ballets from the past are still being performed to this day.
  • First African American female principal dancer with the ABT

    First African American female principal dancer with the ABT
    Misty Copeland became the very first African American female principle dancer with the American Ballet Theatre. This shows how the field of ballet is finally starting to become more diverse. Comparing this with the introduction of more women in ballet in the 1700s, we can assume that this trend of inclusivity in ballet will continue, and we will see many more dancers from different backgrounds.