2017 BCE
Donald Trump
Trump was inaugurated as the nation's 45th president on Friday, January 20, 2017. In his first week as president, Trump signed six executive orders. His first order as president set out interim procedures in anticipation of repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). -
2008 BCE
Barack Obama
Barack Obama is elected president by defeating Senator John McCain with nearly 53 percent of the popular vote and 365 electoral votes (out of 538).
On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States. He was the first African American President in U.S. history. -
1996 BCE
Bill Clinton
President Clinton announces that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton will head the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The President hopes to reform the nation's health care system so that all Americans have health insurance, ensuring what is called “universal coverage,” and to control the sky-rocketing costs of health care. -
1995 BCE
George H. W. Bush
George H. W. Bush is inaugurated as the forty-first President. In the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacres, President Bush announces a number of condemnatory actions, including the suspension of the sale of American weapons to China. -
1924 BCE
Jimmy Carter
Congress passes Emergency Natural Gas Act, authorizing the President to deregulate natural gas prices due to a shortage in supply. Carter signs the bill and announces plans to present an energy program to Congress. He later proposes the establishment of a cabinet-level Department of Energy. -
1913 BCE
Gerald Ford
Ford is sworn in as vice president in the House chamber. Ford remarks that he is a “Ford, not a Lincoln.”
Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the thirty-eighth President of the United States. -
1911 BCE
Ronald Reagan
Reagan is inaugurated as the fortieth President of the United States.
Reagan declares that the United States will produce the B-1 bomber and MX missiles as part of military buildup. -
1858 BCE
Theodoro Roosevelt
Vice President Theodore Roosevelt (TR) takes the oath of office in Buffalo, New York, after President William McKinley is assassinated. Roosevelt becomes the twenty-sixth President of the United States and the youngest President yet at 43 years old. -
Period: 1837 BCE to 1837 BCE
Adrew Jackson recognizes Texas Independence
Jackson recognizes the independence of Texas but declines to address annexation in light of threats by Mexico and its concerns about security. -
1833 BCE
Benjamin Harrison
Republican Benjamin Harrison is inaugurated as the twenty-third President after losing the popular vote to Grover Cleveland. The Republicans hold small majorities in both houses of Congress, making this the first time since 1875 that Republicans control both Congress and the White House. -
1809 BCE
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the sixteenth President of the United States, and the nation's first Republican President. Many Southerners view his victory, determined by the free states, as the final blow in decades of sectional conflict. -
1808 BCE
Andrew Johnson
Vice President Andrew Johnson takes the presidential oath of office in his hotel room at the Kirkwood House following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase oversees the proceeding. Lincoln chose Johnson, a racist and uneducated Southerner from Tennessee, as his vice president to balance the 1864 ticket. -
Period: 1804 BCE to 1804 BCE
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson is officially reelected President of the United States. Fellow Democratic-Republican and first governor of New York George Clinton will be the vice president. -
Period: 1803 BCE to 1803 BCE
Thomas Jefferson
The French flag is lowered in New Orleans and the U.S. flag raised, symbolizing the transfer of the Louisiana territory from France to the United States. -
1801 BCE
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated as the third president of the United States, becoming the first president inaugurated in Washington, D.C. Aaron Burr, who had tied Jefferson in electoral votes before losing the election in the House of Representatives, is inaugurated Vice President. -
Period: 1790 BCE to 1790 BCE
George Washington
President Washington signed the Copyright Act of 1790 into law. -
1789 BCE
George Washington
George Washington is the only US president to have never occupied the White House. In New York and then later in Philadelphia, the Washingtons occupied a series of grand houses, where they received members of Congress, officials, foreign dignitaries, and other prominent people according to a standing weekly schedule. -
1767 BCE
Andrew Jackson
Military hero and self-made man Andrew Jackson is sworn in as the seventh President of the United States. In his inaugural speech, Jackson articulates the principle of federal office rotation, ushering in the “spoils system” for loyal supporters of presidential candidates.