
Presidents (1860-1928)

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln kept the United States from splitting by deciding to fight. He began the push for the end of slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. Mr.Lincoln supported the Thirteenth Amendment which formally ended slavery.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    President Andrew Johnson was a supporter of the confederation and tried to rebuilt the Confederate States. He was overridden by Congress on the bill he vetoed about former slaves rights. Johnson was later impeached due to political conflicts.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses supported African American rights which was very important after the Civil War. Mr. Grant signed the Amnesty Act of 1872. He signed the Treaty of Washington for settling the Alabama Claims dispute between Britain and the United States by International Arbitration.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes

    Rutherford B. Hayes
    Rutherford oversaw the end of the Reconstruction and his efforts led to civil service reform. He sent in troops to control the Great Railroad Strike. Hayes also passed the bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases in the Supreme Court
  • James A. Garfield

    James A. Garfield
  • Chester A. Arthur

    Chester A. Arthur
    Presdent Arther signed the Chinese Exclusion Act which prohibitied all immigration of Chinese laborers. He also signed the Pendleton Act in 1883. Chester vetoed the River and Harbor Act
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
    Mr. Cleveland signed the act creating the Interstate Commerce Commission. He also angered railroad investors by ordering an investigation of western lands. Grover passed a bill in 1886 that required the unlimited production of silver to inflate and then deflate currency
  • Benjamin Harrison

    Benjamin Harrison
    Harrison passed the Sherman Antitrust Act. He passed the Dependent and Disability Pensions Act too. Benjamin passed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act
  • Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley
    William McKinley annexed the Republic of Hawaii to the United States. Gold Standard Act was signed by McKinley and the U.S. was officially placed on the gold standard.McKinley reformed the system to make it more flexible in critical areas. .
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    He created the National Park System. Roosevelt made the Square Deal. Teddy involved the U.S. in the Panama Canal project.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    He believed in the Civil Service Reform. Taft strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission.He improved the performance of the postal service
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Wilson signed the Adamson Act. He took America into WWI. He almost died trying to make world peace
  • Warren G. Harding

    Warren G. Harding
    Harding supported the anti-lynching movement. Warren kept America out of the League of Nations. The Teapot Dome Scandal took place while Harding was in office.