election Of George washington
In 1789 George Washington ran for president. It was a unanimous win for Washington. All 69 voters voted for Washington. John Adams became Vice president. -
Beginning of the Federalist party
The Federalist party supported a strong federal government. Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. He was the leader in 1790.They adopted the U.S. Constitution. (Founded in 1787) -
Whiskey Rebellion
Alexander Hamilton place a tax, or tariff on the whiskey. The colonists didn’t want the tax, so they rebelled. There was a quick conflict, and George Washington knew he had to use force. This showed the government wasn't to be messed around with. -
Beginning of the Democratic- Republican party
They were against a strong federal government. They believed a strong federal government would take away our basic rights.They were sometimes called the democrats. I the 1820’s they split up into two different parties. They disagreed most of the time with the federalists (1790) -
Election Of John Adams
He was George Washington’s president at first. During that time Adams was a Federalist which caused him to have a lot of disputes with Jefferson. He retired in the year 1801. Another problem was that he became president during when we were disputing with France and Britain. -
XYZ Affiar
In 1797 President John Adams sent three U.S. diplomats to France. They were named X,Y and Z. When there Talleyrand asked for $250,000. Talleyrand wanted the money as a bribe to meet with the delegation.When America heard about this they were offended to the point of war with France. -
Alien act
In 1789 a law was passed for Aliens to be residents they have to live in the U.S. for 14 years instead of 5 years. Then passed a law to where Aliens can be deported for being dangerous to the peace and safety of the united states. The alien act was passed with 4 other acts. The Neutralization Act, Alien Act, Alien Enemies Act, and Sedition Act -
Sedition Act
Signed into law by John Adams. Forbade anyone to speak or write badly about the U.S. government because they didn't want the threat of any one trying to overthrow the government. Many people opposed this because they felt that this act violated the first amendment. other believed that the Federalist passed this to protect there political party. -
Election of Thomas Jefferson
The candidates were: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,and Aaron Burr. There was a tie in the Electoral Collage, but Jefferson won the house vote . It was a breakthrough for the people because now that the Federalists were out of office, the people felt they could be heard. Marked the end of the Federalists. -
John marshall Appointed
John Marshal became the fourth chief of justice.John Marshall accepted his appointment on Feb 2, 1801 and served for thirty- four years. During his thirty- four years the established the principle of Judicial Review -
Marbury v. Madison
the last day of Adam’s Presidency, Federalist William Marbury was appointed. The last- minute appointments were not fully finalized. The displeased appointments called upon an act of Congress and sued for their jobs. Then on March 5, 1801 the new president Thomas Jefferson offered Adams Secretary of state, Marbury then petitioned the Supreme Court for a legal order for Madison to show a cause why he shouldn’t have the job. -
Lewis and Clark Expedition
On May 14, 1804 Lewis and Clark left St.Louis, Missouri to explore the northwest. The expedition took 863 days. It covered 7,689 square miles. It cost $136,000 but today it would be about $126,000,000.
Expanded suffrage to all white males- -
Embargo Act
The law passed by Congress in 1807. The law halted all trade between America and any other nation. Thomas Jefferson passed this law to try and stop France and Great Britain from causing any more damage to the American ships trying to trade. The act ended up doing more harm than good and was ended in 1809. -
Election of James Madison
In the election of 1808, James Madison, a Democratic Republican defeated Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, the Federalist candidate. James Madison recived 64.7% of the popular vote, and 122 Electoral votes. Charles Pinckney received 62,431 popular votes about 32%, and only 47 Electoral votes. -
Non-Intercourse Act
The Non-Intercourse Act was passed on the last four days of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. It was written to replace the Embargo Act of 1807. The Non-Intercourse Act got rid of all embargoes on U.S. shipping except those going to British of French ports. -
battle Of New Orleans
It was the final major battle of 1812. It was under he commandment of Andrew Jackson. The cause of it was that Britain was trying to seize New Orleans, It ended when we signed “The Treaty Of Ghent”. It was known as one of our greatest victories. -
War of 1812
The British were seizing American ships and forcing Americans on board to join the British navy, arming Native Americans and encouraging them to attack settlers, and blocking American harbors. Even after Britain came to an agreement to stop impressing American seamen, they continued. In June of 1812, James Madison asked Congress to declare war on Britain. The House and the Senate both voted in favor of war. -
End of the War of 1812
louisiana Purchase
In 1803 Louisiana territory was purchased by Jefferson from Napoleon for $15 million. The Louisiana Purchase was the most important land purchase in U.S. History. The land bought was 828,000 square miles. France was in Economic trouble so Napoleon decided keeping the land was not worth it. -
Election of James Monroe
James Monroe was president during “The Era Of Good Feelings”. This was the era where there was only one party at that time. During his presidency The Missouri Compromise admitted 2 states (Maine and Missouri). Also during this time “The Monroe Doctrine” was passed. It stopped any Foreign affairs. -
Expanded Suffrage To all White Males
There was a time when only males with land were allowed to vote. No one else. After sometime all white men were allowed to vote. No other race was allowed too though -
Missouri Comprimise
At the time two new states were being admitted into the U.S. Maine and Missouri. They didn’t know whether too make them free or slave states. At that time there was an even number of states , so they made Missouri a slave state and Maine a free state -
Monroe doctrine
President James Monroe Proposed the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine forbade European to get involved with the American Hemisphere. It also asserted U.S. neutrality. They made this to guarantee that no European power would move in. -
Gibbons v. Ogden
Gibbons sued Ogden because he started a steam boat company in the New York City waters. He lost because the U.S. Constitution had a law that stated the Federal Government can regulate commerce. This means that the Federal government has the power to socialize imported goods It established Judicial Review. -
McCulloch v. Maryland
Result Stated that :The Bank of the United States had a right to branch of into the states. The States had no right of taxation, or control any power of the Federal Government. Taxation is a power left only for the Federal Government. -
Election of 1824
John Quincy Adams won this election , because of a corrupt bargain with Henry Clay. Andrew Jackson had the majority vote of the people. He was supposed to have 50% of the votes to win. In the end the representatives of every state had to vote on it. John Quincy Adams made a deal with Henry Clay which made him influence the representatives to vote for John Quincy Adams -
Election of Andrew Jackson
During Jackson’s presidency John C. Calhoun was the vice president. He ran against John Quincy Adams. The campaign was mostly known as “The Triumph of the Common Man”. Most of the actual campaign was mudslinging. -
Beginnig of the Democratic Party
Beginning of Democratic Party- Thomas Jefferson and James Madison founded it.They were for slavery. The party favored state rights. They believed the government shouldn’t only benefit the wealthy but the poor too. -
Indian removal Act
A law passed by Congress on May 28,1830. This law, signed by Andrew Jackson forced all Native Americans in the land to move. The Americans lied to the Native Americans and told them they would give them good quality land, but instead, they gave them the land they believed was a desert. Many Native Americans died, they were forced to sleep outside, with no shelter and exposed to the harsh elements and were left to die. -
Worchester V. Georgia
A Supreme Court case held in 1832 over a law passed in a law passed in 1828 that declared all Native Americans in the state must abide to state laws. The Cherokees argued that the treaties with the federal government protected their rights and land. Chief Justice John Marshal ruled Georgia’s actions unconstitutional. He said that the Native Americans were protected by the Constitution. -
Closing Of The U.S. Bank
Andrew Jackson used his executive power to close the bank. He also removed all federal funds. It was the 2nd U.S. bank. Andrew Jackson closed it so he can take all the money.