Presidential scandel

By 872078
  • 1971

    Nixon and his friends recruit a team of ex FBI and CIA operatives, "the plummers" to break in a psychiatrist office to smear daniel ellsberg this man leaked the pentagon paper
  • may 28, 1972

    G. Gordon Liddy and his team breaks into the Democratic national committe headquarters bugging two telephones.
  • June 17, 1972

    5 men get arrested for breaking into the DNC headquarters. a man who worked in the parking garage and noticed a door was taped up. he called the police.
  • June 20, 1972

    "Deep Throat" was a source and informat they didn't reveal his identity for 30 years
  • October 1972

    Woodward and Bernstein report F.B.I made connection between Nixon aides and the Watergate Breakin.
  • January 30 1973

    G.Gorden Liddy and James Mcord and convicted for their roles in the break-in
  • May 18, 1973

    the first nationally televised hearings.
  • October 1973

    Nixon refuses to turn over his recordings of white house conversations
  • October 10, 1973

    VP Spiro Agnew resigns
  • November 17, 1973

    Nixon says "I'm not a crook"
  • August 9, 1974

    Nixon Resigns
  • September 8, 1974

    Nixon is Pardoned by Gerald Ford