Presidential Policies

  • Vietnamization

    The US started to slowly pull troops out and let the south Vietnamise fight their own war. This got us out of the war but North Vietnam ended up winning the war because of this. The US people supported this action because many of them did not support the vietnam war.
  • Enviromental Protection Agency

    Enviromental Protection Agency
    Put in place to reinforce and re-write law to protect human health and the environment.
  • New Economic Plan

    New Economic Plan
    President NIxon enacts the New Economic Plan. Involving tax cuts and price curbs to combat inflation. This was put in place to try to combat the recession.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act

    Occupational Safety and Health Act
    The OSHA act led to the formation of OSHA. Made to ensure a safe workplace for employees.
  • SALT I

    SALT I
    Nixon visited the Soviet Union and signed an agreement called the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty. This treaty set limits and restrictions for developing and using new weapons. This conference helped decrease tensions between the US and Russia, but it also lowered both nation's military power
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    When Egypt and Syria attacked Isreal, Nixon and the US sent a large ammount of troops to support Isreal. Isreal defeated the Soviet supported Arab nations. This war did increase tension between Arab nations and there was an embarge instated on oil against the US for 1 year. This embargo kept the US out of parts of the Middle East market which lowered our economic power there.
  • The Endagered Speices Act

    The Endagered Speices Act
    NIxon had this act put in place to monitor and protect endangered species . Conservsation used to help prevent decline of species also
  • Pardoned Nixon

    Pardoned Nixon
    President Ford pardoned all actions taken by previous President Nixon. The actions Nixon took led to US citizens decline in their belief of our government.
  • Ford's Support of South Vietnam

    Ford's Support of South Vietnam
    Ford requested a large amount of money to give to South Vietnam to support their efforts. Congress gave him $700 million which was much less than what he had requested. The South Vietnamese used this money to strengthen their military. The US had limited control and was using its money to fund a losing war when it could have been using it more wisely.
  • Tax Reduction Act

    Tax Reduction Act
    Gerald Fords Plant to repair the economy. Tax rebate. Minimum deduction increased.And some tax credits changed.
    Done to try to improve the economy, following in Nixons footsteps.
    Doesnt do much.
  • Ford Requests More Military Support

    Ford Requests More Military Support
    Ford asked congress for more military support for the vietnam war, but congress denied his request and offered humanitary support instead. Ford was trying to combat communism and establish US dominance, but because we did not get involved we could do neither of those things.
  • The Mayaguez

    The Mayaguez
    Cambodian communists seized the US cargo ship The Mayaguez with 38 US crewmembers aboard. To demonstrate US power, Ford organized a raid to free the crew. 40 US troops died but the Cambodians released the crew and the ship. When the ship returned, we portrayed it as a great victory. We had suffered military and monitary losses on a mission some people believed to be unnesccisary.
  • Carters Economic Stimulus Plan

    Carters Economic Stimulus Plan
    Carter implements tax cuts, puts in billions of dollars to public works and tries to stimulate employment. Results are the same as Obama's stimulus package. MIxed reviews, support lost and gained. Like all efforts before by Nixon and Ford didn't work out as planned.
  • Carter Changes Foreign Policy

    Carter Changes Foreign Policy
    Carter said, “For too many years, we’ve been willing to adopt the flawed and erroneous principles and tactics of our adversaries, sometimes abandoning our own values for theirs. We’ve fought fire with fire, never thinking that fire is sometimes best quenched with water. This approach failed, with Vietnam the best example of its intellectual and moral poverty. But through failure we have now found our way back to our own principles and values, and we have regained our lost confidence.”
  • Carter Changes Foreign Policy

    Carter Changes Foreign Policy
    Carter reinvisioned how our foreign policy would work. He chose to fight differently and to not use old tactics. He gained support with his new view on foreign policy.
  • Carter Ended Support Of President Somoza

    Carter Ended Support Of President Somoza
    President Carter ended its political and military support of President Somoza of Nicaragua, one of Latin America's most abusive leaders. Because of this the US govenment gained some support for cutting ties with the ruthless leader.
  • Return of the Panama Canal

    Return of the Panama Canal
    Carter worked with congress to write a treaty that would return the Panama Canal to Panama by 1999. This gave up US power and a major passage through Central America.

    President Carter continued nuclear control agreements with the soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. This had a similar effect as SALT I. It eased tensions, but decreased out military power.