The Convention
Prior to a general election, there is a selection process to help determine which canidate will appear on the ballot for a given political party in the nationwide general election. -
The Caucus
Delegates are chosen to represent the state's interests at the national party convention. Prospective delegates are identified as favorable to a specific canidate or uncommited. After discussion and debate an informal vote is taken to determine which delegates should be chosen. -
The Primary
Registered voters can participate in choosing the candiate for the party's nomination by voting throguh secret ballot, as in a general election. There are two main types: Open or closed. -
Awarding the Delegates
The Democratic party always uses a proportional method for awarding delegates. The percentage of delegates each canidate is awarded is representative of the mood of the caucus-goers or the number of primary votes for the canidate. The Republican party allows each state to decide whether to use the winner-take-all method or the proportional method. In the winner-take-all method the canidate whom the majority of the caucus participants or support recieves all the delegates for the state.